MotoGP 13 - Vita

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MotoGP 13 - Vita
Name of the file: MotoGP 13 - Vita - Author: ANO - [VITA]


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation Vita trophy rewards.

Bang!! And The Zombies Are Gone! (Gold): Prestige 20 times.
No Stone Unturned... (Silver): Complete the game to 100% (all Platinum medals).
Shopaholic (Silver): Get all upgrades in all categories.
Back In The Line (Bronze): Prestige the Game once.
Frying Tonight (Bronze): Kill 5 other Zombies by shooting a Taser Zombie.
Line ‘Em Up (Bronze): Shoot a Cop Zombie and have their bullet kill five other Zombies.
Barrel Of Laughs (Bronze): Complete a level by only shooting Barrels.
Flawless Victory (Bronze): Finish the game getting the best ending.
You Made It... Right? (Bronze): Finish the game with any ending.
Feel The Rush (Bronze): Get a Platinum medal with a single bullet.
Happy Shopper (Bronze): Get all Upgrades in a single category.
Sweeter Than Gold (Bronze): Get a Platinum medal.

View: 14984 times
Updated: 2013.07.19

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