Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption - Wii

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Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption - Wii
Name of the file: Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption - Wii - Author: ANO - [WII]

Bonus content
Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding bonus content:

Bumper Stickers: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 2: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 3: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 4: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 5: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Diorama 6: 1 Blue credit, 1 Friend credit, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Mii Bobblehead: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Screenshot Taker: 1 Blue credit, 2 Friend credits, 3 Gold credits, 3 Red credits

Concept art
Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding concept art:

Creatures 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Creatures 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
Samus: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Storyboards 1: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
Storyboards 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits
World 1: 1 Blue credit, 1 Gold credit, 3 Red credits
World 2: 2 Blue credits, 1 Friend credit, 2 Gold credits, 3 Red credits

100% Ending
Collect all 100 pickups to view a Secret Ending clip after the game credits.

Easy Friend Vouchers
Go to any Morph Ball area that has the little roach-like critters on the walls. Simply roll back and forth dropping bombs to easily get hundreds of kills and lots of Friend Vouchers.

Extended Ending
Collect at least 75% or more of suit upgrades to view an Extended Ending once you complete the game.

Hyper Mode Difficulty
Beat the game and you will get Hyper Mode Difficulty.

Spend the indicated type of credits to unlock the corresponding bonus song:

Battle Theme (GF): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Battle Theme (Metroid): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gandrayda: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gryyo: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Gryyo (Thorn Jungle): 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Helios: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
In the Cockpit: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Omega Ridley: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Phaaze: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Pirate Homeworld: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Skytown: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Steamlord: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
The Corruption: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Title Screen: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits
Valhalla: 2 Blue credits, 1 Gold credit, 4 Red credits

Secret Message from Iwata
When in Samus' ship, go to the radio And press the following symbols. Going from left to right, press the second symbol, the seventh symbol, the fifth symbol and then the first symbol. You'll be greeted by Iwata himself. Of course, this is in Japanese.

A brief translation...
Hello, this is Iwata from Nintendo. A president has to take things really seriously, even if it doesn't seem like it. It's understandable if you lose weight from stress...but I get fatter instead. Nobody thinks I'm taking it seriously.

View: 6090 times
Updated: 2007.09.04

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