MySims - Wii

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MySims - Wii
Name of the file: MySims - Wii - Author: ANO - [WII]

Cheat mode:
Press Minus to pause game play while in town. Then, press Down, Up, Down, Up, Left, Left, Right, Right to display the password screen with a virtual keyboard. Enter one of the following case-sensitive passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Bunk bed: F3nevr0
Camouflage pants: N10ng5g
Diamond vest: Tglg0ca
Genie outfit: Gvsb3k1
Hourglass couch: Ghtymba
Kimono dress: I3hkdvs
Modern couch: T7srhca
Racecar bed: Ahvmrva
Rickshaw bed: Itha7da
White jacket: R705aan

Attain the indicated town rank to be able to use the corresponding tool.

Crowbar: One star
Saw: Two stars
Pick Axe: Three stars
Blow Torch: Four stars

Attain 100% of the indicated interest in your town to unlock the corresponding Sim. A message stating that a special guest will be waiting for you in the hotel will appear. Go there the next day to find that person.

Amazing Daryl: 100% Fun
Chancellor Ikara: 100% Tasty
Hopper: 100% Cute
Mel: 100% Spooky
Samurai Bob: 100% Studious
Star: 100% Geeky

Unlock Blow Torch
Have your town reach four stars.

Unlock Crowbar
Have your town reach one star.

Unlock Pickaxe
Have your town reach three stars.

Unlock Saw
Have your town reach two stars.

View: 6243 times
Updated: 2007.10.14

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