New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - Wii

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New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - Wii
Name of the file: New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - Wii - Author: ANO - [WII]

Unlockable: Donkey Kong's Crown
Win all 60 crests to unlock DK's crown.

Unlockable: Kingdoms
Perform the actions below to unlock additional Kingdoms:

* Chili Pepper Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Lemon, Grape, and Cherry Kingdoms
* Lychee Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Apple, Strawberry, and Pineapple Kingdoms
* Pear Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Banana, Orange, and Watermelon Kingdoms
* Star Fruit Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Peach, Melon, and Durian Kingdoms

Unlockable: Ninjape Ending
Collect all 72 crests and beat Vs. Cactus King or Vs. Ghastly King to view an ending with Ninjapes.

Unlockable: Bosses in Ending
Beat Vs. Ghastly King to unlock Dread Kong, Karate Kong, Ninja Kong and Sumo Kong in the ending cinema.

Unlockable: Beat Totals
Collect all 72 medals to reveal your beat totals on the title screen.

Unlockable: Alternate Menu Music
Collect all 72 medals to alter the Main Menu music.

Unlockable: Alternate Boss Death Sequences

Unlock alternate death sequences by performing the following actions:

* Hog boss - Make the final blow with a melon (not a punch)
* Roc boss - Make the final blow with a stun attack (not a blow to the Roc's bomb)

View: 5473 times
Updated: 2009.05.17

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