Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - Wii

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - Wii
Name of the file: Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - Wii - Author: ANO - [WII]

Easy victory in duels
When dueling, use Levicorpus on your opponent. Then, while he or she is up in the air, get as close as you can to your opponent. Charge Stupefy as much as possible (the light from your wand will blink two times separately). Cast the charged Stupefy on your opponent before he or she gets down. If done correctly, this will take away six of the health "dots", which enough to completely defeat some opponents. Use this as many times as needed against opponents with more health. This will not work as well in two-player dueling because your human opponent can wriggle free rather quickly after being hit by Levicorpus.

View: 4958 times
Updated: 2010.07.10

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