Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters - Wii

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters - Wii
Name of the file: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters - Wii - Author: ANO - [WII]

Cheat Codes:
Under "Options" at the main menu, select "Passwords". Then, activate the following functions by entering the corresponding codes: Note: Learn additional passwords by remaining idle without hitting the ball until your caddy talks to you and mentions a password.

All clubs at the pro shop - clubsoda
All balls at the pro shop - tour proven
All Ping clubs - rapture
Jewelry - Platinum
Adidas products - ClimaCool
FootJoy products - Dry Joys

Easy XP glitch:
Note: This glitch only works for the Road to the Masters mode. Also, this works for all of the tournaments, but is most effective when used on the four star tournaments and the major championships. Before beginning the round, set the difficulty at Tournament and play ONLY the first hole. When the second hole loads up, save and exit from the tournament to go back to your options screen. Then, change the difficultly from Tournament to Amateur and resume the tournament by hitting the X button to resume and play holes 2 thru 17 on Amateur. On hole 18, save and exit again, return to the Options screen, and switch the difficulty back to Tournament. Resume the tournament by hitting the X button and play hole 18. By doing this, you will receive the XP payout for playing the tournament on Tournament difficulty even though you played 16 holes of the tournament on Amateur. Average XP payout is 25000-35000 XP. As an added bonus, the very first time you do this glitch, you will unlock the "No Focus pin" and the "Tournament Pro" trophies.

Equipment Passwords:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding passwords in the Passwords section of Options:

Adidas products - ClimaCool
All balls available at pro shop - tour proving
All clubs available at pro shop - clubsoda
All Ping clubs - rapture
FootJoy Products - Dry Joys
Jewelry - Platinum
Tiger Woods pants and shirts - gearoftheTiger

View: 17538 times
Updated: 2012.02.20

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