Lord of The Rings : Return of The King

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Lord of The Rings : Return of The King
Name of the file: Lord of The Rings : Return of The King - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Cheats List:
First, beat the game to make these work. During gameplay, pause, hold both trigger buttons (L and R), and then press the following:
Invulnerability - BLUE, RED, BLUE, UP
Restore Health - BLUE, BLUE, RED, RED
All Upgrades - UP, DOWN, YELLOW, BLUE
Infinite Missles - BLUE, BLUE, DOWN, RED
Always Devastating - YELLOW, UP, YELLOW, DOWN
Targeting Indicator Mode - DOWN, RED, UP, BLUE
Unlock Four-Hit Combo For Aragorn - UP, BLUE, YELLOW, DOWN
Share XP (co-op) - RED, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN
Share health (co-op) - YELLOW, UP, GREEN, GREEN
Unlimited respawns (co-op) - RED, BLUE, UP, RED
All interviews - GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, UP

End Bonuses:
Beat the game to unlock the following:
Palantir of Saruman / Palantir of Sauron
Billy Boyd interview
Dom Monaghan interview
Andy Serkis interview
David Menham interview

Gameplay Cheats For Aragorn:
Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, RED, YELLOW, YELLOW

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, GREEN, YELLOW

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, UP

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, BLUE, YELLOW

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, DOWN, RED, UP.

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, DOWN

Gameplay Cheats For Faramir:
Play as Faramir - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GRREN, GREEN, YELLOW, YELLOW.

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, YELLOW, UP, BLUE

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, DOWN

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, DOWN, RED

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, GREEN, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, YELLOW, UP, YELLOW

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, BLUE, UP, GREEN

Gameplay Cheats For Frodo:
Play as Frodo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, RED, RED

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, UP, DOWN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, DOWN, RED

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, RED, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, GREEN, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, DOWN, DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, RED

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, DOWN, YELLOW, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, BLUE, DOWN, RED

Gameplay Cheats For Gandalf:
Gains 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, UP, DOWN.

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, YELLOW, RED.

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, GREEN, YELLOW.

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, BLUE, GREEN.

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, GREEN, UP.

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, BLUE, DOWN, DOWN.

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, DOWN, GREEN, BLUE.

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, GREEN, YELLOW, DOWN.

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, UP, RED.

Gameplay Cheats For Gimli:
Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, YELLOW, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, RED, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, DOWN, UP

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, DOWN, BLUE

eARN level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, RED, DOWN, BLUE

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, RED, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, UP, GREEN

Gameplay Cheats For Legolas:
Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, YELLOW, UP, GREEN

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, GREEN, RED

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, GREEN, GREEN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, RED, UP, DOWN

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, UP, UP, DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, DOWN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, DOWN

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, RED, YELLOW, BLUE

Gameplay Cheats For Merry:
Play as Merry - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, DOWN, DOWN, GREEN

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, GREEN, RED, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, BLUE, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, RED, RED, YELLOW

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, UP, YELLOW

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, BLUE

Gameplay Cheats For Pippin:
Play as Pippin - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, BLUE, DOWN

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, GREEN, DOWN, UP

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, RED, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, UP, UP, RED

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, RED, RED, BLUE

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, UP, BLUE, RED

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, DOWN, RED

Gameplay Cheats For Sam:
Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, DOWN, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, GREEN, RED, YELLOW

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, YELLOW, YELLOW

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, RED, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, GREEN, RED, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, YELLOW, YELLOW

Unlock Secret Characters:
Beat the game to unlock Pippen, Merry and Faramir.

View: 6497 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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