Rainbow Six 3

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Rainbow Six 3
Name of the file: Rainbow Six 3 - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Invincibility Code:
While playing, press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A. You will be invincible. Enter this code again to deactivate the cheat.

Laser Trail Code:
During gameplay, press UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, R-CLICK, R-CLICK. Your weapons will shoot blue laser trails, and enemy weapons will shoot red laser trails.

Old City And Import-Export On Team DM:
When playing online, it is possible to play Old City and Import/Export during Team Survival.
Go to the main menu screen
Select Create Match
Go to GAME TYPE and select Mission
Then hit Next
Highlight Old City or Import-Export and back out by hitting B.
Now push up and accept the choice. You should now be on the screen where you can change your GAME TYPE. Go to GAME TYPE and select Team Survival. Scroll down and change the number of players to what you want. Click on NEXT at the bottom of the page. Highlight the same map you picked before (Old City or Import/Export) and select it.

WARNING - When you start the match, everybody will be inside each other because everyone spawns int the exact same place. Before you start the match, decide which team goes first and give them at least a 20-30 second head start, and after the match, the other team gets the head start.

View: 6382 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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