Furious Karting

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Furious Karting
Name of the file: Furious Karting - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Karma meter
The Karma meter keeps opponents from attacking you after you hit them. To increase it, always press the X button to apologize to racers on your team after you accidentally hit them. If you apologize too many times to opponents, your Karma Meter will decrease in value.

Faster kart
While racing, press the Right Analog-stick Up to crouch down. This will allow you to cut the wind and your kart will go faster.

Fun Meter
The Fun meter controls how well you can do stunts. To increase it, do stunts.

Earn extra points
Combine flips with spins after a jump or land on only two wheels for extra points.

View: 7193 times
Updated: 2004.02.26

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