Silent Hill 2 : Restless Dreams

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Silent Hill 2 : Restless Dreams
Name of the file: Silent Hill 2 : Restless Dreams - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Clear up the signs around town
As in the PlayStation 2 version of the game, beat the game ''Letter from Silent Heaven'' with all 5 endings on one save and the blurry signs around town are now clear.

Obtaining the Blue Gem
After beating the game once, start a new game from the same save and in the bathroom there should be a blue gem by one of the stalls on the floor.

Obtaining the Sixth Secret Joke Ending
To get the 6th secret joke ending, exclusive to the xbox version, use the Blue Gem in the following locations: Alternate Brook Haven Hospital's garden, the dock (before you get on the boat), and lastly room 312 in the Lakeview Hotel. Using it in room 312 will end the game and the joke ending will begin.

Extra options menu:
Press L or R at the options screen to display an extra options menu with blood color, map zoom, and other selections.

In-game reset:
Hold Back + Start during game play.

Completion bonuses:
Successfully complete the game. Start another game and enter the extra options menu to access new features.

A "Bullet Adjust" option can be set, allowing the normal amount of ammunition found at a location to be doubled or tripled.
A "Noise Effect" option can be toggled.
Another new option can be toggled, allowing scenes to be viewed without distortion.
Additional riddle difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the easy, normal, and hard riddle difficulty settings. Select the hard riddle difficulty again and begin a new game with a new combination of riddles.

Reveal signs:
Unlock all five endings, then start a new game. All signs will now be revealed.

Book Of Lost Memories:
Successfully complete the game. Start a new game and look for the newspaper stand near the Texxon Gas Station. The Book Of Lost Memories can be found inside.

Book Of The Crimson Ceremony:
This book can be found in the reading room on the second floor of the "Nightmare" hotel.

Chain Saw:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty and normal riddle difficulty settings. Start a new game to find the Chain Saw among logs before the cemetery.

Dog Key:
Successfully complete the game with the "Rebirth" ending. Start a new game and a dog house will now appear near Jack's Inn and the gas station. Look inside the dog house to find the Dog Key. It is used to open the observation room in the ''nightmare'' hotel.

Hyper Spray:
Successfully complete the game two times. Start a new game to find the Hyper Spray on the south side of the motor home.

Obsidian Goblet:
Successfully complete the game. Start a new game and enter the Historical Society building. The Obsidian Goblet can be found on a shelf.

White Chrism:
Successfully complete the game. Start a new game to find White Chrism vial in the kitchen of apartment 105 in Blue Creek Apartments.

Introduction FMV sequence audio:
If you wait at the title screen for awhile, the introduction FMV sequence will begin. In some scenes, there will be no audio. Successfully complete the game one time and the audio will be restored to those scenes.

Innocent Man riddle:
One of the rooms you will enter in the Labyrinth will include six men that have been hung by the ceiling. Your job is to free the innocent man in the group. In easy riddle mode, the innocent man will always be, "The Kidnapper". In normal riddle mode, the innocent man will always be, "The Arsonist". In hard riddle mode, the innocent man will always be ,"The Counterfeiter". Once you find out who the innocent man is, pull the corresponding empty noose in the second room to release the body. In his place, the Key Of The Persecuted will be on the floor below.

Box combination:
When you get almost to the end of the hospital area and go down in the elevator, you will get a call on the radio. It is game show which will ask three questions. You must go to the third floor storeroom to get your prize. The combination to the box is 3 1 3. Note: This is for the easy and normal difficulty setting.

Hidden skulls in picture:
Go to room 307 in "Wood Side Apartments". On the third floor is a picture on the wall. Press Action and the message "There's a painting hanging on the wall. It looks like a landscape of this area." will appear. Look at the picture to see two skulls on the side of the mountains.

Defeating Eddie:
In the first battle, equip your rifle and as soon as you get the chance, shoot him four times. He will run away. Follow him into the next room. Get far away from him and just keep shooting until he dies. If he gets in close, run away and shoot him. If done correctly, he should be locked in between shots and you will not get hit.

Defeating the Doorman/Angela's Papa Boss:
Obtain the Great Knife (very big sword), in the labyrinth (from the room protected by the pyramid head enemy). Start the Boss battle by immediately pausing game play. Go to the menu and equip the Great Knife. Hold down Ready Attack before the menu screen disappears, and press Attack as hard as possible. If done correctly, you will do your fierce sword attack, and since it requires about two and a half seconds to complete by the time you swing you will have hit the Doorman. Now that it is stunned, just tap Attack to do the lesser swing and kill the Boss. If it does not, just swing the necessary amount of times, and it will die quite easily.

Defeating double pyramid head enemies:
Use the following trick for a quick and easy way to defeat the two pyramid head enemies at the end of the hotel. This will allow you to defeat them without using any health or ammunition. First, enter the room and start running around it counterclockwise. Let them get fairly close to you and then quick spin around backwards and equip the Great Knife. However, you have to make sure that James is directly next to the wall (with the wall on his left and the pyramid heads attacking from the right). Use the low swinging attack. Since James swings the knife from right to left, the knife will hit them a second time as it bounces off the wall. Keep swinging and they should not even be able to hit you.

Killing enemies:
When you encounter an enemy, try and get fairly close to it. When it attacks, quickly side step out of the way. Then, face the enemy and attack it with the board with a nail in it. Most of the early enemies you encounter have a slow reaction time after they attack and can easily be taken down with the board and nail. :Note: This is only recommended for use with those types of enemies and should not be used when facing later enemies.

View: 8222 times
Updated: 2004.02.28

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