Star Wars : Obi-Wan

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Star Wars : Obi-Wan
Name of the file: Star Wars : Obi-Wan - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Level select:
Select the "New Game" option at the main menu, then enter GREYTHERAT as saved game name. All levels, including the bonus levels, will be unlocked. Enter M1A2U3L4!? as a saved game name to unlock all levels until Darth Maul.

Battle Royal mission:
Defeat Darth Maul in level 25 to unlock the Battle Royal mission, where you have to fight eight other Jedi Masters in the Saber Arena.

Additional versus mode characters:
Defeat a character in the Jedi Arena during game play to unlock him or her in versus mode.

Level 1: Wookie help:
In the introduction to the first level you will see a Wookie resembling Chewbacca walk past Obi-Wan. When the level starts, turn around and walk back the way the Wookie walked. You will eventually see the Wookie standing beside a fire. Walk up to the Wookie and talk to him with Action or Y. Then, continue through the level and the Wookie will follow and will assist you in taking out the Black Heth Thugs.

Get Saesee Tiin in vs. mode
To get Saesee Tiin in vs. mode simply beat him in the Jedi arena in the main game.

Unlock Plo Koon in vs. mode
To unlcok Plo Koon in vs. mode simply beat him in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

Unlock Adi Gallia in vs. mode
To unlcok Adi Gallia in vs. mode simply beat her in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

Unlock Battle Royal
In order to unlock battle royal mode, you have to beat darth maul.

Unlock Depa Billaba in vs. mode
To unlock Depa Billaba in vs. mode simply beat the training droid in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

Unlock Eeth Koth in vs. mode
To unlock Eeth Koth in vs. mode simply beat him in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

Unlock Ki-Adi Mundi in vs. mode
To get Ki-Adi Mundi in vs. mode simply beat him in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

Unlock Mace Windu in vs. mode
To unlock Mace Windu in vs. mode simply beat him in the Jedi Arena in the main game.

View: 6277 times
Updated: 2004.02.28

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