TimeSplitters 2

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TimeSplitters 2
Name of the file: TimeSplitters 2 - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Unlock Multiplayer Maps
Mexican Mission: Available by Default

Ice Station: Available by Default

Hospital: Available by Default

Training Ground: Available by Default

Aztec: Available by Default

Scrapyard: Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Mode Madness - Scrap Medal with a Bronze Medal or higher

Nightclub: Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Too Hot to Handle - Disco Inferno with a Broze Medal or higher

Hangar: Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Beginner's Series - Top Shot with a Bronze Medal or higher

Robot Factory: Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - It's a Blast - Demolition Derby with a Bronze Medal or higher

Ufopia: Clear Arcade League - Honorary League - Maximus - Cold Corpse Caper with a Bronze Medal or higher

Chinese: Clear Arcade League - Honorary Leauge - Elimination Series - Starship Whoopers with a Bronze Medal or higher

Chasm: Clear Arcade League - Honorary League - Outnumbered but Never Outpunned - Can't Handle This with a Bronze Madal or Higher

Streets: Clear Spaceship: 2401 on the Easy difficulty setting

Compund: Clear Spaceship: 2401 on the Normal difficulty setting

Site: Unknown, Probably linked to amount of Arcade League matches or Challenges completed

Circus: Clear Challenge - Monkeying Around - Dam Bursters with a Bronze Medal or higher

1853 Wild West level rewards:
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock The Colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.

1920 Aztec Ruins level rewards:
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Stone Golem as a playable character in arcade mode.

1972 Atom Smasher level rewards:
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Khallos as a playable character in arcade mode.

2019 NeoTokyo level rewards:
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Sadako as a playable character in arcade mode.

2280 Return to Planet X level rewards:
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Ozor Mox as a playable character in arcade mode.

Arcade Adios Amigos level rewards:
Successfully complete the level with a "Gold" rank to unlock Hector Babasco and Lean Molly as playable characters in arcade mode.

Challenge Brick level rewards:
Successfully complete the challenge with a "Gold" rank to unlock the Brick weapon in multi-player mode.

Challenge Pane In The Neck level rewards:
Successfully complete the challenge with a "Silver" rank to unlock the Rotating Heads cheat.

Ending bonuses:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Cardboard Characters cheat and Streets level in arcade mode.

Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Unlimited Ammo cheat.

Hint: Faster reloads:
Some guns have slower reload times than others. Instead of pressing Reload, press Next Weapon quickly followed by Previous Weapon (or vice versa). When you switch to a new weapon and go back to it, the weapon will automatically be reloaded.

Destroying the Bio-Hazard case:
When you restore the power in the building, go down to the "Digging Site". When you get there, you will see a case with something in it. Make sure you have plenty of Timed Mines. Walk towards it and throw four or five Timed Mines at it then run away. When it blows up, the woman on the speaker will start talking. People with very good guns (Flame Thrower, Shotgun, Machine Guns, etc.) will appear. You will also have a new objective to not let any mutants survive.

View: 9595 times
Updated: 2004.02.28

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