Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Name of the file: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Moon physics:
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter superfly for Moon Physics.

Play as Daisy:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Eddie:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Jango Fett:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Mike Vallely:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Carnival level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Chicago level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Big Head mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Cool Specials mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Disco mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Flame mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Gorilla mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Hoverboard mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Invisible mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Kid mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Sim mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Slow motion mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Super Blood mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Clown's hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Clown's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's shoes:
Spend $150 at the store.

Eraser hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Heart boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.

Kenny's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Spend $150 at the store.

King glasses:
Spend $100 at the store.

Metal head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Officer Dick's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Officer Dick's shirt:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's coat:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Ollie's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Paper bag:
Spend $300 at the store.

Smiley boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 1 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 2 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Kona Old School FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Outtakes FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Bails 1 FMV sequence:
Successfully complete CAS Pro Challenge.

Pro Bails 2 FMV sequence:
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Skater FMV sequence:
Successfully complete the Pro Challenge.

Hidden created skaters:
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear.

Aaron Skillman
Adam Lippman
Andrew Skates
Andy Marchal
Atiba Jefferson
Ben Scott Pye
Big Tex
Brian Jennings
Captain Liberty
Chauwa Steel
Chris Peacock
Dave Stohl
Fakes The Clown
Gary Jesdanun
Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jim Jagger
Joe Favazza
John Rosser
Kevin Mulhall
Lindsey Hayes
Lisa G Davies
Little Man
Marilena Rixfor
Mat Hoffman
Matt Mcpherson
Maya's Daddy
Meek West
Mike Day
Mike Lashever
Mike Ward
Mr. Brad
Nolan Nelson
Parking Guy
Pete Day
Rick Thorne
Stacey D
Stacey Ytuarte
Stealing Is Bad
Team Chicken
Ted Barber
Todd Wahoske
Top Bloke
Zac ZiG Drake
Hint: Bob Burnquist: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

BS One Foot Smith: Press Up, Down, Y.
Samba Flip: Press Left, Right, B.
Sit Down Air: Press Left, Down, B.
Hint: Kareem Campbell: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

B-Ballin Slide: Press Left, Right, Y.
Double Blunt Slide: Press Down, Up, Y.
Kickflip Backflip: Press Left, Down, B.
Hint: Rune Glifberg: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Backfoot Flip Nosegrab: Press Right, Up, B.
BS Crail Slide: Press Right, Down, Y.
Kickflip Kickflip: Press Left, Down, X.
Hint: Steve Caballero: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Daffy Grind: Press Up, Down, Y.
FS 540: Press Left, Down, B.
Kickflip Superman: Press Right, Up, X.
Hint: Tony Hawk: Special moves:
Perform the following moves with a full meter.

Barrel Roll: Press Left, Down, X.
Froggy Grind: Press Left, Down, Y.
The 900: Press Right, Down, B.

Carnival: Hidden area:
After buying or winning the Carnival level, you will see a haunted house while skating around. Go up to the house and you will see two rails on the "porch", symmetrically side by side. Grind one of the two and you will enter another dimension with floating skulls and spirals. You will grind into the mouth of a large head and go back into the level.

Zoo: Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game:
Find the giraffe cage in the zoo. Skate through the half open door behind them. Talk to the red button in the room to play the Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game.

Zoo: Egg drop mini-game:
Find the bird area. Talk to the small nest to start a mini-game where you need to catch ten eggs for $500.

Zoo: Rhino fight mini-game:
Find the rhino area. Talk to the rhino trainer to bet on which rhino will win a fight.

Zoo: Entering aquarium:
Get on the roof of the building next to Stompy the Elephant. Jump on Stompy's back and grind her head to open the aqua.

View: 7214 times
Updated: 2004.02.28

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