Tenchu : Return From Darkness

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Tenchu : Return From Darkness
Name of the file: Tenchu : Return From Darkness - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Pause the game and enter the following:

Fill kuji meter
Hold the right and left triggers while pressing left, left, left, right, x

Get one kanji
Then press left, left, left, right, x. This will add one Kuji to your meter

Increase score
Hold down the white and black buttons while pressing right, right, right, left. 100 points will be added to your score each time

Increase your offensive power X5
Hold down right trigger and white button while pressing up, down, up, down. Let go of the right trigger and white button and press x, x, x

Restore health
Press up, down, up, down, x, x, x

Show score
Press right, right, right, left

Unlock new special move/ability
Hold right trigger and black button while presssing up, up, down, down. Now let go of the right trigger and the black button. Press x, x, left trigger

Input the following at the Item Select screen:

Unlock all layouts
Press right-click, left-click, left trigger, right trigger, white, black

Unlock all missions
Press white, white, left trigger, right trigger, right, x, left-click, right-click

Increase Ninja items
Hold down right and left triggers and press up, left, down, right, x, x, x.

Unlimited Item Capacity
Hold the Right Trigger + Left Trigger + White and press: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, then release White and press X, X, X

Unlock all ninja items
Hold down right and left triggers while pressing up, down, up, down, x, x, x, left, right, left, right, x, x, x.

Unlock B-Side (See Options Menu)
Hold down the left trigger and right trigger while pressing down, x, x, up, x, x, left, x, x right, x, x.

Unlock Through the Portal
Press the white button, up, black, down, left trigger, right trigger, left. (Unlocks Rikimaru's bonus mission "Through the Portal")

Unlock All Characters
At the start menu hold White + Black and press Up, Right, Left, Down, release White and Black and press L, R

Elevator Glitch
In any level with a building that has more than one floor, like godah castle, you can easily bypass the entire first (or even second) floor. Use the cling to ceiling technique to cling to the ceiling. While on the ceiling select the grappling hook and press Y to go to the second floor.

View: 6811 times
Updated: 2004.05.26

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