Psi-Ops : The Mindgate Conspiracy

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Psi-Ops : The Mindgate Conspiracy
Name of the file: Psi-Ops : The Mindgate Conspiracy - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Arcade Mode
Complete the game. There will be no movies or cinematics and scores are given like in an arcade game.

All Powers
Complete the game to unlock all powers.

Sneak Peak
Note: this cheat works only for the demo... In the first demo mission after killing the three guards in the second area press the red button turning off the lasers at the next door go through the door then you will see another door in that hallway. When you try to open it, it says "door locked for demo" simply use remote view (up on D-pad) and you can pass through the door and explore what the actual game's first level contains.

Cheat List
To enter these, simply scroll down to Extra Content" and pull the right trigger, or push the R1 button. A keypad will appear. Game Cheats:

- Take Less Damage: 548975
- Use less PSI power: 456456
- AllPowers: 537893
- Unlimited Ammo: 978945
- No Head: 987978
- Arcade Mode: 05051979
- Coop Mode: 07041979
- Survival Mode: 7734206
- Dark Mode: 465486
- Training Nick: 564689
- Urban Nick: 484646
- Wasteland Nick: 975466
- Stealth Nick: 456498
- Sara: 135488
- Psi Sara: 468799
- Suicide Sara: 678999
- Barrett: 497878
- Training Barret1: 196001
- Training Barret2: 196002
- Training Barret3: 196003
- Training Barret4: 196004
- Training Barret5: 196005
- Training Barret6: 196006
- Wei LuL: 231324
- Dragon Wei Lu: 978789
- Tranquility WeiLu: 654654
- General: 459797
- Clown General: 431644
- Marlena: 489788
- Tonya: 136876
- Fetish Pyro: 231644
- Bikini Pyro: 135454
- Saranae: 65496873
- Jov: 468987
- MP1: 321646
- MP2: 698799
- MP3: 654659
- Jack: 698798
- Soldier: 365498
- Burned Soldier: 454566
- Labcoat: 998789
- Dock Worker: 364654
- Komiko: 978798
- Scorpion: 546546

Extra Missions
- Pitfall: 05120926
- PanicRoom: 76635766
- Up And Over: 020615
- Stop Lights: 945678
- Gasoline: 9442662
- Bottomless Pit: 154897
- TK Alley: 090702
- Gear Gauntlet: 154684
- Tip The Buddha: 428584
- Psi Pool: 565485
- Aura Pool: 659785
- Bouncy Bouncy: 568789
- Gnomotron: 456878

Extra Missions
Find gnomes throughout the game in order to unlock extra missions.

* Floor of Death: Gnome in level 4
* Panic Room: Gnome in level 3
* Up And Over: Gnome in level 4
* Stop Lights: Gnome in level 7
* Gasoline: Gnome in level 6
* Bottomless Pit: Gnome in level 4
* TK Alley: Gnome in level 2
* GearShift: Gnome in level 3
* Tip The Idol: Gnome in level 1
* Psi Pool: Gnome in level 6
* Aura Pool: Gnome in level 8
* Bouncy Bouncy: Gnome in level 2
* Survival Mode: Gnome in level 3
* Gnomotron, Unlock all extra missions: find all Gnomes


* Training Nick: Finish the game on easy
* Urban Nick: Finish the game on normal
* Wasteland Nick: Finish the game on hard
* Stealth Nick: Finish the game on elite
* Sara: Finish the game on normal
* Sara (psi): Finish the game on hard
* Tonya: Finish the game on hard
* Sara (suicide): Finish the game on hard
* Marlena "Pyro": Finish the game on elite
* Marlena "Pyro" (leather): Finish the game on elite
* General: Finish the game on elite
* General (clown): Collect all six orbs in the General Boss Battle
* Barrett: Finish the game on elite
* Jov: Finish the game on elite
* Wei Lu: Finish the game on normal
* Dragon Wei Lu: Finish the game on hard
* MP1: Finish the game on easy
* MP2: Finish the game on normal
* MP3: Finish the game on hard
* Jack: Finish the game on elite
* UN Soldier: Finish the game on easy
* Burnt Soldier: Finish the game on normal
* Labcoat: Finish the game on easy
* Dockworker: Finish the game on easy
* Komiko: Finish the game on normal

View: 14754 times
Updated: 2004.06.24

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