The Urbz : Sims in the City

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The Urbz : Sims in the City
Name of the file: The Urbz : Sims in the City - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Turn Cheat gnome on
Durin gameplay press Left, Y, Down, A, X. The gnome will appear somewhere in the district.

Hidden Power Social
Look in the dumpster in Blankwood Towers. You will find a Blast I Kiss in it, but look twice.

Development team photo
Fisrt enable the "Cheat gnome". Press Up, Down, X, Up, Down at the credits screen.

Maximum Artistic skill
Fisrt enable the "Cheat gnome". During gameplay press Y, Down, Black, A, B.

Acquire skill object
Fisrt enable the "Cheat gnome". During gameplay press L, Black, Right, X, Left.

Power Socials
Fisrt enable the "Cheat gnome". During gameplay press Down, Black, Right, X, Left.

Maximum Mental skill
Enable the "Cheat gnome". During gameplay press L, B, A, Black, Down.

Maximum Physical skill
Enable the "Cheat gnome". During gameplay press L, R, A, Down, Black.

View: 6421 times
Updated: 2004.12.29

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