Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue

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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue
Name of the file: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game with a 100% rating.

All Bunyip Licenses
Press Start(2), Y, Start(2), Y, X, B, X, A during game play.

100,000 Opals
Press Start(2), Y, Start(2), Y, B, A, B, A during game play.

All Level 1 Rangs (burrumudgee Rangs)
Press Start(2), Y, Start(2), Y, B, X, B, X during game play.

All Level 2 Rangs (Sly Rangs)
Press Start(2), Y, Start(2), Y, X, B, X, Y during game play.

Show All Objects (lines Form The Sky)
Press Start(2), Y, Start(2), Y, Up, Down, Left, Right during game play.

Volcano Rescue: Easy Opals
Once you get into the area where the Thermal Bunyip is located, run towards the left. There will be a 500 Opal bag. Go back out the way that you came in. You can get the door leading to the exit to open for you. Simply walk out the door, turn around, and go back into the room with the 500 Opal bag and pick it up again. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

Gunna Gunna: Easy Opals
Go to the Gunna Gunna training grounds. Go up the hills with the skull blocks coming out. You will see a bridge. Glide over to it, then cross the bridge. Keep going onto the platforms. At the top one is a bag of 400 hidden Opals.

Regain health
Find some water to swim in. Go under water then come back for air. You will have full health.

Boomerang upgrades
Zapyrang: Thunderang
Boomerang: Multirang
Flamerang: Lavarang
Frostyrang: Freezerang
Infarang: X-rang
Megarang: Omegarang
Smasherang: Kaboomerang
Lasharang: Warparang

View: 5332 times
Updated: 2005.02.22

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