Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2

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Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2
Name of the file: Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Quit Songs
Press Back + Start during any song, and you'll fail it, but go back to the song selector.

Simplify Songs
Whenever you see a song that has a load of beats (Arrows), it can get very hard to keep track of what foot you should place where. Well, consider placing the song on 2x, or even 3x speed. The song itself won't speed up, just how fast the arrows go from the bottom, to the top of the screen, while separating them. In reality, your feet will hit the same spots on the dance pad at the same time, no matter what speed you're on. You can access the speed, and other setting if you hold the A button.

Freeze Unlimited
You're probably asking yourself; What is the "Freeze Unlimited"? The Freeze Unlimited is the point in the song "Maxx Unlimited" where the song stands completely still for a good full second, then goes back to it's normal, intense speed. There's a way to beat this freeze, but it takes A LOT of practice. Depending on the difficulty, your feat will be ona hold arrow. If this happens, move your foot slightly, without going off the pad, in any direction. If you can maintain a movement, you're more likely to not get messed up- Which is what the freeze unlimited is supposed to do.

Moonlight Shadow Tip
A good piece of advice that got me through Moomnlight Shadow on standard was noticing that the beats come in rapid series of threes. You'll see a one-two-three, slight pause, one-two-three, slight pause. This goes for most of the song, and it's very helpful to remember.

Newbie Tip
This is a tip, that goes out to all the newbie dancers out there:

Whenever playing ANY song, you don't need to step on an arrow, then step off. You can keep your foot on, so you can more easily manuever around. Don't step on one arrow, then put your foot back in the middle, simply keep it on the arrow, and you won't lose points or anything sort of consequences.

View: 9067 times
Updated: 2005.05.19

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