Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners of The Earth

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Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners of The Earth
Name of the file: Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners of The Earth - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Safe Combinations
Knowing the safe combination is useless since Jack Walters needs to find the clue before the safe can be used. For all combinations, start rotating the dial clockwise to the first number, then proceed in the opposite direction to the next number. Change rotational direction upon reaching each number and the safe's door should open.

Variety Store safe: Clue is in Waite residence attic. Combination is 2-6-1-2.

Church Basement safe: Clue is to use postcard on number tablet. Combination is 3-1-5-7.

Precinct safe: Clue is in cell next to Brian's cell. Combination is 1-8-4-6.

Masonic Hall safe: Clue is in second floor study. Combination is 1-8-7-8.

View: 9636 times
Updated: 2005.11.19

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