Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones

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Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones
Name of the file: Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Alternate ending sequence
Collect all the life upgrades to fight the Dark Prince instead of Vizier at the end.

Restore all sand slots
While playing a game, click and hold the Left Analog-stick, then quickly press B(2), A, X(2), A, Y(2).

Secret Baby Rattle weapon
Successfully complete the game on the Easy difficulty setting. Then, pause the game and press Left(2), Right(2), Y, X, X, Y, Up, Down.

Secret Chainsaw weapon
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X, Y, X.

Secret King Sword weapon
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X, Y, X.

Secret Swordfish weapon
Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting. Then, pause the game and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X, Y, X.

Secret Telephone weapon
Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting. Then, pause the game and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Down(2), Up(2), Y, X, Y(2), X(2).

Sand Gate rewards
Deactivate the indicated number of Sand Gates to earn the corresponding reward:

4th Sand Tank: 1 Sand Gate
100 Sand Credits: 2 Sand Gates
Eye Of The Storm Time Power: 3 Sand Gates
5th Sand Tank: 4 Sand Gates
150 Sand Credits: 5 Sand Gates
Winds Of Sand Attack: 6 Sand Gates
6th Sand Tank: 7 Sand Gates
200 Sand Credits: 8 Sand Gates
Sand Storm Attack: 9 Sand Gates

Weird voice
When you turn into the Dark Prince, before the first chariot chase scene, climb all the way up the closest pole near the northern enemy spawn. A wierd voice will list what seems like staff credits

View: 6412 times
Updated: 2005.12.18

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