NBA 2K6 [Xbox360]

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NBA 2K6 [Xbox360]
Name of the file: NBA 2K6 [Xbox360] - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

+10 defensive awareness
Enter lockdown as a code.

+10 offensive awareness
Enter getaclue as a code.

2k sports team
Enter 2KSPORTS as a code.

Air Zoom kobe 1 shoes
Enter KOBE as a code.

All crib bonuses
Enter criball as a code. All Crib bonuses including the A-T teams and Draft class will be unlocked.

Celebrity players unlocked in 24/7 mode
Enter ballers as a code.

Extra stamina
Go to the vending machine and press A. Select a Power Bar to get +5 Stamina during the next game.

Lebron James summer shoes
Enter lebronsummerkicks as a code.

NBA 2K6 team
Enter NBA2K6 as a code.

New Indiana Pacers jerseys
Enter 31andonly as a code.

No quick game fatigue
Enter nrgmax as a code.

No quick game injuries
Enter noinjury as a code.

Power bar tattoo in the Create Player mode
Enter pbink as a code.

Recommended team
These are all celebrities:

C: Joe Budden
SF: Flava Flav
PF: Aceyalone
PG: Methodman
SG: Redman

Uptempo Nike shoes
Enter anklebreakers as a code.

Visual concepts team
Enter vcteam as a code.

Unlockable List
2ksports ... Unlocks the 2K Games publishing team.
nba2k6 ... Unlocks the 2K Games development team.
ballers ... Unlocks all celebrities in 24/7 mode.
31andonly ... Unlocks the Indiana Paces jerseys from the 05/06 season.
kobe ... Unlock Nike Air Zoom Kobe 1 shoes.

View: 5557 times
Updated: 2006.02.19

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