Amped : Freestyle Snowboarding

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Amped : Freestyle Snowboarding
Name of the file: Amped : Freestyle Snowboarding - Author: ANO - [XBOX]

Play as Raven
1) From the main menu go to the "Options" menu
2) Select "Cheats"
3) Enter: RidinwRaven (you should hear a sound confirming the entry)

That's it! You can play as Raven; just select her from the list of boarders before you begin.

Level Select
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'GimmeGimme'.

Perfect Jumps
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'StickiT'.

Low Gravity
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'MegaLeg'.

Disable Tree Collisions
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'buzzsaW'.

Steezy Snowboard
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'ChillinwSteezy'.

Free Movement
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'ZiPster'

Bouncy Terrain
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'MegabOUnce'

Slim Boarder Mode
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'KeepnReal'

Super Snowboarder
At the Cheat Menu, enter 'BigsteeZ'

View Replays From Programmers
Go into Replay Theater and highlight Hard Disk. Press Right until you see Game Disc. You will find replays from the programmers. You can also play these levels by highlighting a replay, then go up to Watch Replay. Press Right until you see Challenge.

Disable tree collisions
Select ''Options'' at the main menu, then ''Cheats''. Enter buzzsaW as a case-sensitive code. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.

Go Faster
To do this enter, ZiPster.

Play as Steezy
Select ''Options'' at the main menu, then choose the ''Cheats'' selection. Enter ''ChillinwSteezy'' as a case-sensitive code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.

Super Fast Spins
Go to the options menu then select cheats and put in ''WhirlyGig'' then a sound will play when you hit done to let you know the code is in correctly.

Super Jump
In the Cheat Menu, enter ''BigLeg'' case sensitive to make your jumps higher.

Super Jump code
Under the Options menu, select Cheats. On the Cheats screen, enter ''MegaLeg'' without the quotes. This code gives you a higher jump to get uber-air.

Realistic Mode
Open the cheat screen, then type KeepnReal(case-sensitive) to have realistic jumps, spins, etc.

View: 6580 times
Updated: 2004.01.07

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