NCAA Football 08 - Xbox 360

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NCAA Football 08 - Xbox 360
Name of the file: NCAA Football 08 - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Throw 4 TD Passes in a Game (15 points): Throw 4 touchdown passes in a single Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

350 Total Passing Yards (15 points): Pass for 350 or more total yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

200 Total Rushing Yards (15 points): Rush for 200 or more total yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Player Passing Record in a Game (25 points): Break the game record for passing yards with one player (716) in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

No Interceptions in a Game (15 points): Do not throw any interceptions in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Win by 21 (10 points): Win a Play Now or Dynasty mode game by 21 points or more.

Pass to 5 Different Receivers (10 points): Complete a pass to 5 or more different receivers in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

100 Yard Receiver (10 points): Gain 100 or more receiving yards with a single player in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

100 Yard Rusher (10 points): Rush for 100 or more yards with a single player in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Complete a 30 Yard Pass (10 points): Complete a pass for 30 or more yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Complete a 60 Yard Pass (20 points): Complete a pass for 60 or more yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Break a 30 Yard Run (10 points): Break a run for 30 or more yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Break a 60 Yard Run (20 points): Break a run for 60 or more yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Allow No Sacks (15 points): Do not give up any sacks in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Score 35 Points (15 points): Score 35 points or more in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Player Rushing Record in a Game (25 points): Break the game record for rushing yards with one player (406) in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Intercept 2 Passes (15 points): Intercept 2 passes in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Player Interception Record (25 points): Break the game record for interceptions with one player (5) in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Return Interception for a TD (20 points): Return an interception for a touchdown on defense in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Return Fumble for TD (20 points): Score a touchdown after recovering a fumble on defense in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Make 4 Sacks (20 points): Sack the opposing quarterback 4 or more times in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Held Under 200 Yards (10 points): Hold the opposition to under 200 total yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Held Under 100 Yards (25 points): Hold the opposition to under 100 total yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

2 Sack Player (10 points): Make 2 sacks in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game with the same player.

Score a Safety (30 points): Score a safety on defense in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Shutout (30 points): Prevent your opponent from scoring any points in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Punt Return for TD (15 points): Return a punt for a touchdown in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Kickoff Return for TD (20 points): Return a kickoff for a touchdown in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

50 Yard Field Goal (25 points): Kick a 50 or more yard field goal in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

50 Yard Punt (15 points): Punt the ball 50 or more net yards in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Block a Punt (25 points): Block a punt in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Block a Field Goal (25 points): Block a field goal in a Play Now or Dynasty mode game.

Ranked Game (10 points): Play a ranked game.

BCS Conference Invite (25 points): Get an invite to a BCS conference in single team Dynasty mode.

Make Promise to a Prospect (10 points): Make a promise to a prospect in single team Dynasty mode.

Conference Champs! (10 points): Win a conference championship game in single team Dynasty mode or Campus Legend mode.

Heisman Memorial Trophy (25 points): Win the Heisman Memorial Trophy in single team Dynasty mode or Campus Legend mode.

Bowl Win (10 points): Win a bowl game in single team Dynasty mode or Campus Legend mode.

National Champions! (30 points): Lead your team to a BCS championship in single team Dynasty mode or Campus Legend mode.

Develop New Pipeline State (25 points): Develop a new pipeline state in single team Dynasty mode.

Mr. February (30 points): Have the #1 ranked recruiting class in a season in single team Dynasty mode.

1-Star into 6-Star (50 points): Turn a 1-star prestige school into a 6-star prestige school in single team Dynasty mode.

Perfect Game (30 points): Bowl a 300 Game in a single player Bowling Mini-Game.

Win Tug-of-War (30 points): Win the Tug-of-War mini-game.

High Score - Option Dash (30 points): Score 15,000 or more points in Option Dash.

5-Star Legend Prospect (20 points): Create a 5-star legend prospect.

Fill Up Legend Meter (30 points): Completely fill up the legend meter.

Old Spice Red Zone Perfection (15 points): Complete a Play Now or Dynasty mode game with a Red Zone Efficiency rating of 100%.

Old Spice Red Zone Shutout (20 points): Complete a Play Now or Dynasty mode game without giving up a touchdown while in the Red Zone.

Pontiac 4th Quarter Comeback (30 points): Win a Play Now or Dynasty mode game when down by 14 to start the fourth quarter under the Varsity or higher difficulty.

View: 6221 times
Updated: 2007.08.23

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