Duke Nukem 3D - Xbox 360

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Duke Nukem 3D - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Duke Nukem 3D - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

1. Piece of Cake
Complete "L.A. Meltdown" on any difficulty or in co-op.25 points

2. Let's Rock
Complete "Lunar Apocalypse" on any difficulty or in co-op.25 points

3. Come Get Some
Complete "Shrapnel City" on any difficulty or in co-op.25 points

4. Game Over
Complete "The Birth" on any difficulty or in co-op.25 points

5. Duke's Mighty Foot
Step on 40 enemies after using the Shrinker on them.10 points

6. Looks Like Cleanup on Aisle 4
Step in a pile of excrement.10 points

7. Shake It Baby
Tip an exotic dancer.10 points

8. Oomph, Uugh, Where is it?
Find 70 secret areas.10 points

9. Alien Maggots are Gonna Pay
Finish the "Hollywood Holocaust" level in under 3 minutes.10 points

10. Gonna Rip Em' a New One
Get 100 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).10 points

11. See You in Hell
Get 250 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).15 points

12. Hail to the King, Baby
Earn respect and get 500 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).25 points

View: 6488 times
Updated: 2008.08.31

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