Over G Enemy Airforce - Xbox 360

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Over G Enemy Airforce - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Over G Enemy Airforce - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Reward 1 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 1 (complete the first mission on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 2 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 2 (complete Tactical Mission) in Scenario mode.
Reward 3 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 2 (complete submission 7 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 4 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 2 (complete submission 1 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 5 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 3 (complete Tactical Mission 1) in Scenario mode.
Reward 6 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 3 (complete submission 7) in Scenario mode.
Reward 7 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 3 in Scenario mode.
Reward 8 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 3 (complete carrier takeoff and landing training) in Scenario mode.
Reward 9 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 4 (complete Tactical Mission 1) in Scenario mode.
Reward 10 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 4 (complete Submission 5 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 11 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 4 (complete Submission 10 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 12 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 5 (complete Tactical Mission 2) in Scenario mode.
Reward 13 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 5 (complete Submission 4 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 14 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 6 (complete Tactical Mission 1 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 15 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 6 (complete Submission 6 on Beginner) in Scenario mode.
Reward 16 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 7 (complete Submission 7) in Scenario mode.
Reward 17 Of Scenario mode (25 points): Meet certain conditions in Area 7 (complete Submission 10) in Scenario mode.
Special Reward 1 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete only mission in Area 1 on second session).
Special Reward 2 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete Tactical mission 1 in Area 2 on second session).
Special Reward 3 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 3 on second session).
Special Reward 4 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete Submission 10 in Area 4 on second session).
Special Reward 5 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 4 on second session).
Special Reward 6 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play well in Scenario mode (complete Submission 4 in Area 5 on second session).
Rare Reward 1 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 2 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 2 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 3 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 3 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 4 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 4 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 5 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 5 Of Scenario Mode (25 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 6 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 6 Of Scenario Mode (30 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Strategic mission in Area 7 on Hell mode).
Rare Reward 7 Of Scenario Mode (30 points): Play very well in Scenario mode (complete Area 8 on Hell mode).
Premium Reward 1 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Ryoji in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 2 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Edward in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 3 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Michael in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 4 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Linda in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 5 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Alfred in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 6 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Pilot in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 7 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Pilot in Big Boss mode).
Premium Reward 8 (30 points): Meet certain conditions in Challenge mode (defeat Pilot in Big Boss mode).

0A-10A Thunderbolt II
Successfully complete tactical mission 1 in Area 2.

F/A-18 Hornet
Successfully complete sub-mission 7 in Area 2 to unlock the F/A-18 Hornet in
Scenario mode.

F/A-18E Superhornet
Defeate Saviola.

F/A-18F "DiamondBacks"
Defeat Alfred.

F/A-18F SuperHornet
Defeat Saviola in Big Boss mode.

Successfully complete the game in Hell mode.

Successfully complete tactical mission 1 in Area 4 to unlock the F-117A for in Scenario mode.

Complete only mission in Area 1 on your second playthrough of the game.

To get Premium Reward 6, Unlock the other planes of your five wingmen. After this get the "Best Guy" or "Predator" rank in multi-player mode. When this is done, go to Challenge mode and select "Arena". Shoot down enough planes so you get the rank "Top Gun". After you get that rank, land and save. Go to Big Boss mode and the 305th Squadron. The F-15 should be available.

F-15C Eagle
Successfully complete sub-mission 5 in Area 4 to unlock the F-15C Eagle in Scenario mode.

Defeat Linda.

F-15DJ "Agressor"
Defeat Ryoji.

Successfully complete strategic mission in Area 3 in Hell mode

Successfully complete tactical mission 1 in Area 6 to unlock the F-15E in Scenario mode.

Successfully complete tactical mission 1 in Area 3.

F-16 "Thunder Bird"
Successfully complete strategic mission in Area 7 in Hell mode.

Successfully complete sub-mission 6 in Area 5 to unlock the F-16AM in Scenario mode.

Successfully complete sub-mission 4 in Area 2 to unlock the F-16C in Scenario mode.

F-18A "Blue Angels"
Successfully complete strategic mission in Area 4 in Hell mode.

Successfully complete sub-mission 7 in Area 3

F-2 Blue Impulse
Successfully complete sub-mission 9 in Area 3.

Successfully complete sub-mission 10 in Area 7 to unlock the F-22A in Scenario mode. Note: Doing this mission will lock out sub-mission 7 in Area 7.

Defeat the F-2B F.T.SQ in Challenge mode.

Complete strategic mission in Area 3 during your second playthrough.

Successfully complete sub-mission 7 in Area 7 to unlock the F-35B in Scenario mode. Note: Doing this mission will lock out sub-mission 10 in Area 7.

Successfully complete sub-mission 4 in Area 5 to unlock the Jas39A in Scenario mode.

Successfully complete sub-mission 4 in Area 5 during your second playthrough.

Successfully complete strategic mission in Area 4 during your second playthrough.

Successfully complete sub-mission 10 in Area 4.

Successfully complete sub-mission 10 in Area 4 to unlock the Mig-29 in Scenario mode.

Successfully complete sub-mission 10 In Area 4 during your second playthrough.

Successfully complete tactical mission 1 in Area 2 during your second playthrough.

SU-27 "Russian Knights"
Successfully complete strategic mission in Area 5 in Hell mode.

Successfully complete tactical mission 2 in Area 5 to unlock the Su-27 in scenario mode.

Defeat Michael.

Successfully complete the training mission in Area 3.

Successfully complete two areas under the Hell difficulty setting.

Hell difficulty
Successfully complete the game under the Expert difficulty setting.

Big Boss mode
Shoot down aircraft at the Challenge Arena until a Boss plane appears. Shoot down enough Boss planes until a Big Boss aircraft appears. Shoot down the Big Boss and land safely. Enter Challenge mode again and the "Big Boss" option should appear. Select that option to start a one-on-one dogfight with the Big Boss. Win the dogfight to unlock your opponent's plane. Note: Not all the Big Bosses in the Challenge Arena will appear in Big Boss mode.

Aerial combat maneuvers
If you are playing under the Expert difficulty setting, the enemy fighters are difficult to take down. High speed maneuvers with the afterburners going can cause serious Gs which can rip the wings off your airplane. Reduce airspeed to about 80% while enabling your airbrake. By doing this, the stress on your fighter is less and turning is faster. Once you have completed about 90% of the turn to get a target on the enemy, take off the airbrake and hit the afterburners.

View: 7148 times
Updated: 2008.09.30

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