Battle Fantasia - Xbox 360

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Battle Fantasia - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Battle Fantasia - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Hero Appears (10) - Play a ranked match on Xbox LIVE.
A Hero Battles The World (30) - Win 30 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.
A Hero Challenges The World (20) - Win 10 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.
A Hero Conqueres The World (60) - Win 60 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.
Apprentice Hero (10) - Clear arcade mode.
Basilisk Master (10) - Get a 30+ hit combo with Urs.
Battler (20) - 20 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Born of the Hero (20) - Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.
Bringer of Presage (20) - Clear Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.
Cedric, Teacher of Magic (20) - Clear Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.
Color Collector (40) - There are hidden colors for each character.
Don't Eat Me (10) - In single-player arcade mode, finish off Watson with Donvalve's throw.
Epic Gallery (15) - Unlock 75% of the gallery.
Exciting! (10) - Outside of training mode, use Urs's taunt repeatedly to enter Heat Up mode.
Executive Decision (20) - Clear Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.
Express Hero (40) - Clear time attack mode within 6 minutes.
Fantasiac (40) - 30 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Fastest Hero (20) - Clear time attack mode within 8 minutes.
Final Strike! (10) - In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Deathbringer's Final Strike.
Finishing Blow (50) - Defeat the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade mode without Heating Up.
Gallery of a Hero (5) - Unlock 25% of the gallery.
Gallery of Heroes (10) - Unlock 50% of the gallery.
Gattling Magnum (10) - Get a 20+ hit combo with Freed.
Here I Come! (10) - Get a 40+ hit combo with Watson.
Highspeed Hero (10) - Clear time attack mode within 10 minutes.
I'm In Love (20) - In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Olivia's Shall We Dance?
Introvert (10) - Finish off Olivia with Ashley's Steal Your Heart in single-player arcade mode.
Is This Love? (20) - Clear Odile & Dokurod's main scenario in the story mode.
Legendary Gallery (20) - Unlock 100% of the gallery.
Man of Shadows (20) - Clear Ashley's main scenario in story mode.
Man of Tomorrow (20) - Clear Freed's main scenario in story mode.
Marxist (20) - In single-player arcade mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses against the End of Deathbringer.
Meowmeowmeow! (10) - Get a 50+ hit combo with Coyori.
My Adventure Begins (20) - Clear Marco's main scenario in the story mode.
Panty Flash! (10) - In single-player arcade mode, finish off a female opponent with Marco's throw.
Perfect Hero (100) - In single-player arcade mode, survive the Apocalypse Flame on VERY HARD.
Persistent Hero (20) - Clear arcade mode with no continues.
Prophet of Light (20) - Clear Watson's main scenario in the story mode.
Round-n-Swing (10) - In the single-player arcade mode, hit with Donvalve's strongest swing, Don Don Swing.
Super Drill! (10) - Get a 60+ hit combo with Odile and Dokurod.
Survivor (10) - 10 consecutive wins in survival mode.
The Chosen One? (20) - Clear Urs's main scenario in the story mode.
The End of Revenge (20) - Clear Face's main scenario in the story mode.
The Heroes Advance (20) - Clear Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.
The Ultimate Taunt (10) - Outside of training mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses.
Ultimate Hero (40) - Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty setting.
Wahooo!? (10) - In the single-player arcade mode, finish Face off with Marco's throw.
Welcome! (20) - Clear Coyori's main scenario in story mode.

Alternate Paths (Story Mode)
Asley's alternate path - Complete one Taunt against Coyori.
Cedric's alternate path - Adjust your glasses five times against Marco. Done by qcb+Taunt.
Coyori's alternate path - Throw Freed at least five times.
Deathbringer's alternate path - Finish Watson with Final Inferno.
Dokurod's alternate path - Taunt after defeating Coyori.
Donvalve's alternate path - Use Hip-de-don at least once against Coyori, and finish with a Super.
Face's alternate path - Use Texas Knee at least five times against Urs.
Freed's alternate path - Use Magnum Jetter at least five times against Marco.
Marco's alternate path - Finish Olivia with Dyna Rush.
Olivia's alternate path - Hit Coyori with a D attack (not Special or Super) at least ten times, and finish the match with one.
Urs's alternate path - Win by timeout over Olivia.
Watson's alternate path - Finish Cedric with Hip-de-Bunny.

View: 6754 times
Updated: 2008.11.09

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