The Maw - Xbox 360

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The Maw - Xbox 360
Name of the file: The Maw - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Hard-Headed (20) - With the Beetull power, ram at least 50 objects and/or creatures.
Little Planet of Horrors (20) - Get 100% Eaten in each level.
Six Meals a Day (20) - Play during Maw\'s six meal times: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dunch, Dinner, and Midnight Feast.
Tastes Like Snot (10) - Find and eat 30 Gloobers.
Ground and Pound (20) - With the Puff-Tor power, smash at least 50 objects and/or creatures.
All Growed Up (10) - Help Maw grow for the first time.
Destroyer of Yums (10) - Find and eat 200 Yums.
Energize (20) - With the Bulbous power, electrify at least 50 objects and/or creatures.
Eyes of the Beloofer (20) - With the Loofer power, laser at least 125 objects and/or creatures.
That\'s Just Gross (10) - Find and eat all the Snuffles.
Time for BBQ (20) - With the Gastro power, flame at least 150 objects and/or creatures.
You\'re totally MAWESOME! (20) - Complete the entire game.

Unlock Dashboard Theme
Complete the game once to unlock a Premium theme for your dashboard.

View: 5938 times
Updated: 2009.02.15

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