Borderlands - Xbox 360

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Borderlands - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Borderlands - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

1.21 Gigawatts (25) - Kill 25 enemies with shock weapons
12 Days of Pandora (30) - Mastered the technology of Pandora
And They'll Tell Two Friends (10) - Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement
Can't We Get BEYOND Thunderdome? (25) - Win an arena match
Careful, He Bites (15) - Kill 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill
Destroyed the Destroyer (50) - Killed the Vault boss
Destroyed the Hive (40) - Killed the Rakk Hive
Ding! Champion (50) - Earn level 50
Ding! Expert (20) - Earn level 20
Ding! Hardcore (30) - Earn level 30
Ding! Newbie (5) - Earn level 5
Ding! Novice (10) - Earn level 10
Ding! Sleepless (40) - Earn level 40
Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave (15) - Discover Crimson Lance Enclave
Discovered Eridian Promontory (15) - Discover Eridian Promontory
Discovered Headstone Mine (5) - Discover Headstone Mine
Discovered Krom's Canyon (10) - Discover Krom's Canyon
Discovered Skag Gully (5) - Discover Skag Gully
Discovered Sledge's Safe House (5) - Discover Sledge's Safe House
Discovered The Scrapyard(10) - Discover The Scrapyard
Discovered Trash Coast (5) - Discover Trash Coast
Down in Front! (15) - Kill 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill
Duel-icious (15) - Win a duel against another player
Duelinator (35) - Win a duel without taking damage
Facemelter (25) - Kill 25 enemies with corrosive weapons
Fence (25) - Sell 50 guns to a shop
Fully Loaded (10) - Rescue enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
Get A Little Blood on the Tires (20) - Kill 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle
Group LF Healer (25) - Rescue a groupmate from death in a co-op game
Made in Fyrestone (15) - Complete all missions in the Arid Badlands
Made in New Haven (20) - Complete all missions in the Rust Commons
Master Exploder (15) - Kill 25 enemies with explosive weapons
My Brother is an Italian Plumber (15) - Kill an enemy by stomping on its head
Paid in Fyrestone (5) - Complete 5 missions in the Arid Badlands
Paid in New Haven (10) - Complete 5 missions in the Rust Commons
Pandora-dog Millionaire (50) - Earn $1,000,000
Pyro (25) - Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons
Reckless Abandon (15) - Kill 15 enemies with the Berserker's action skill
Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest (10) - Kill 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds
Speedy McSpeederton (10) - Race around the Ludicrous Speedway in under 31 seconds
There are some who call me...Tim (25) - Equip a class mod for your character
There's No "I" In "Team" (30) - Complete 15 missions in co-op
Truly Outrageous (15) - Kill an enemy with the Siren's action skill
United We Stand (35) - Defeated the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game
Wanted: Flynt (30) - Killed Flynt
Wanted: Krom (20) - Killed Krom
Wanted: Sledge (10) - Killed Sledge
Weapon Aficionado (20) - Reach proficiency level 10 with any weapon type
You call this archaeology? (20) - Apply an elemental artifact
You're on a boat! (15) - I bet you never thought you'd be here.

Easy Money, Guns, and Artifacts
Entry Location:
Scag Gully
When you have to defeat Scar the Scag, beat Scar and unlock the weapons crate on the ramp. Then go to the Spawn Point near the entrance of the area. Exit and reload the game. Since it saves automatically, you will have all the equipment you just got. When you reload, it reloads EVERYTHING! Now go back to where Scar is. He will appear again. At a certain level he drops over 300 in cash and an artifact for you. Also, the weapon crate will respawn with new weapons for you, and you get all the experience of killing those nasty scags. Easy everything. Do this as many times as you deem necessary.

View: 8416 times
Updated: 2009.10.26

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