Battlefield : Bad Company - Xbox 360

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Battlefield : Bad Company - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Battlefield : Bad Company - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Cheat mode
Enter the "Multiplayer" menu. Select "Unlockables", then enter one of the following codes.

Enter h4h4th3r1snoc0d3 as a code.

M60 machine gun
Enter try4ndrunf0rcov3r as a code.

QBU88 sniper rifle
Enter your3mynextt4rget as a code.

USAS12 shotgun in multi-player mode
Enter aw3somef1rep0wer as a code.

Enter cov3r1ngthecorn3r as a code.

Complete the indicated task in Multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding reward.
Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with an assault rifle.
Avenger Trophy: In one round, get 3 Avenger Points.
Best Squad Trophy: Awarded at the end of a round.
Big Guns Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with artillery.
Carbine Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a M16A2.
Clear Skies Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon.
Combat Aviator Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with an air vehicle.
Combat Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get a 6 kill streak.
Combat Engineer Trophy: In one round, get 20 vehicle repair points (2 repairs).
Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a compact assault rifle.
Demo Pack Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with C4.
Emplacement Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon.
Explosive Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 10 kills with explosives.
Firearm Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a handgun.
Frag Out Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a grenade while playing Demolitionists.
Grenade Launcher Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a grenade launcher.
Grenadier Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with grenade playing assault.
High Card Trophy: In one round, get the best IAR Score.
Kill Assists Trophy: In one round, get 5 kill assists.
Laser Designating Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills from laser designating.
Light Machine Gun Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a light machinegun.
Marksman Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a sniper rifle.
Medic Trophy: In one round, get 10 points from Medkit (2 heals).
Melee Combat Trophy: In one round, get 5 melee kills.
Mine Placement Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with at mines.
Mortar Strike Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a mortar strike.
Naval Surface Warfare Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a sea vehicle.
Objective Attack Trophy: In one round, destroy the last objective.
Objective Defender Trophy: In one round, get 30 Defend Points.
Objective Destroyer Trophy: In one round, destroy 3 objectives.
Rocket Launcher Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a rocket launcher.
Savior Trophy: In one round, get 3 Savior Points.
Shotgun Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a shotgun.
Squad Medication Trophy: In one round, get 40 Squad Member Heal Points.
Squad Member Trophy: In one round, assists or save 5 squad members.
SVU Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with the SVU.
Tank Warfare Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with tanks.
Target Tagging Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 2 Kill Assists from Dartgun Tagging.
Transport Vehicle Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a transport vehicle.
UMP: In one round, get 6 Kills with a UMP.
Wheels of Hazard Trophy: In one round, get 2 road kills.
Winning Team Trophy: Awarded at the end of a round.

Complete the indicated task in Multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding wildcard.
1 on 1 Air: In one round, destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
1 on 1 Land: In one round, destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
1 on 1 Sea: In one round, destroy one sea vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
2 Pair: In one round, get two of any two trophies.
Airtime: In one round, get two seconds air time in a land vehicle.
Armor Buster: In one round, Kill five Armored Vehicles.
Avenger Trophies: Global: 50x Avenger Trophies.
Beat the House: In one round, get 15 grenade kills.
Cab Driver: In one round, spend five minutes as driver in a vehicle with passengers.
Chopper Chopper Kills: In one round, kill five air vehicles.
Dead Eye Headshots: Global: Get 100 Headshots with any sniper rifle.
Destruction Site: In one round, destroy 50 objects.
Dueces are Wild: In one round, kill two enemies of each kit.
Five of a Kind: In one round, destroy five vehicles of the same kind.
Full Deck: In one round, get 52 total Kills.
Full House: In one round, destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind.
Gunslinger: Global: 80 Kills with Handgun.
Headshots: In one round, get 20 kills from headshots.
Parashooter: In one round, get 4 road kills with any air vehicle.
Santa's Litle Helper: In one round, get 10 Kill Assists Points.
Savior Trophies: Global: 50x Savior Trophies.
Snake Eyes: In one round, get 11 kills as two different classes.
Squad Avenger Card: Global: Get 100 Avenger Points Avenging Squad Members.
Squad Wild Card: In one round, get 1 Squad member trophy per Squad Member.
Staying Dry: In one round, get two seconds air time with a sea vehicle.
Straight Flush: In one round, destroy one vehicle of each kind.
Strike: In one round, kill ten enemies at the same time.
Tank Buster: In one round, kill five tanks.
Three of a Kind: In one round, destroy three vehicles of the same kind.

Complete the indicasted task to unlock the corresponding weapon.
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* F2000: Link your PSN or Xbox LIVE name to your Electronic Arts account. Log into your Electronic Arts account, then go to this page to associate your PSN or Xbox LIVE name with it.
* USAS-12: Check your multi-player stats online and the weapon will automatically unlock the next time you sign on the game.
* QBU-88: Unlocked through a unique code provided when the game was pre-ordered.
* Uzi: Download the demo version, select the "Quick Match" option, choose to play a ranked match, and reach Rank 4.
* M60: Go to, select the "Join the Battlefield Community" option, sign up with Electronic Arts, register for the Battlefield: Bad Company email newsletter, and you will receive a unique code by email to unlock the weapon.

Reach rank 25 in Online mode.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Always get paid in gold bars (15 points): Complete 'Welcome To Bad Company' on normal.
Action, not words! (25 points): Complete 'Welcome To Bad Company' on hard.
Not even a nugget! (15 points): Complete 'Acta Non Verba' on normal.
Where are they going so fast? (25 points): Complete 'Acta Non Verba' on hard.
You and what army? (15 points): Complete 'Crossing Over' on normal.
Say goodbye to the gold! (25 points): Complete 'Crossing Over' on hard.
He might come in handy (15 points): Complete 'Par for the Course' on normal.
Cart Wheels (25 points): Complete 'Par for the Course' on hard.
Hold on! (15 points): Complete 'Air Force One' on normal.
Russia? (25 points): Complete 'Air Force One' on hard.
Let´s take that boat (15 points): Complete 'Crash and Grab' on normal.
Capitalist pigs, very nice (25 points): Complete 'Crash and Grab' on hard.
You found it you keep it (15 points): Find 5 unique collectables.
Half way thru (20 points): Find half of all collectables.
Staying Alive (15 points): Complete one mission without dying (any difficulty).
Killer on the loose (25 points): Kill 25 enemies.
Sir, yes sir! (30 points): Complete 'Ghost Town' on normal.
Here is your DD-214 (30 points): Complete 'Ghost Town' on hard.
Death From Above (20 points): Kill 25 enemies in a helicopter.
Home Wrecker (15 points): Destroy 200 walls.
The Hypochondriac (20 points): Use Auto Injector 50 Times.
Manic Lumberjack (15 points): Knock down a small forest.
The Anti-Mechanic (20 points): Destroy 50 vehicles. (containing enemy AI).
Been There, Drove That! (20 points): Drive all vehicle types (Jeep, Tank, Heli, Boat).
One In a Million (20 points): Hit hostile helicopter with laser designator.
Clean sweep (25 points): Find all collectables.
I Love Gold! (10 points): Find one gold bar.
Check My Grill (20 points): Find half of the gold bars.
Gold Digger (30 points): Find all gold bars.
On Top of The World (20 points): Climb to the highest spot in the game.
Get me started (15 points): (Online) Participate in one online match (Ranked).
Leatherneck (25 points): (Online) Play 100 online matches.
Never Used a Door (15 points): (Online) Destroy 1,000 walls.
Forest Ranger (15 points): (Online) Knock down 1,000 trees.
With My Devil Dogs (15 points): (Online) Use Squad in the menu, find a friend and play one round.
There is no I in Squad (15 points): (Online) Have 20 Squad members spawn on you without dying in a single round.
Dog owner! (20 points): (Online) Collect 5 unique dog tags.
Get the dog! (20 points): (Online) Collect 50 unique dog tags.
Be the best (20 points): (Online) Place #1 in a ranked match.
Vehikill (20 points): (Online) Get at least one kill in every vehicle.
Specialist (10 points): (Online) Reach Rank 3.
Master Sergeant (15 points): (Online) Reach Rank 8.
Colonel (25 points): (Online) Reach Rank 20.
General of the Army (35 points): (Online) Reach Rank 25.
Drive By (25 points): (Online) 100 kills using vehicle.
Catch The 'Bad' Moment (15 points): (Online) Take 3 pictures using the image system.
Darwin's Parachute (10 points): (Online) Glide in the parachute for 3 seconds.
I am Bad Company! (25 points): (Online) Achieve all the awards.
Ooh Rah (20 points): (Online) Achieve half of all awards.
Beans Bullets Bandages (30 points): (Online) Get 10,002 kills.

Troubleshooting stats check bonus
Use the following trick if you are having trouble checking your stats on the website, which in turn will unlock one of the find all five guns. Most gamers who had a EA Classic name are having trouble checking their stats and unlocking this gun. Even if your Gamertag is linked, it says that it is not. To fix this, login into the Battlefield website, then paste the following link into your browswer:[your Gamertag]/

Easy "One in a Million" achievement
Play through a single player mission in Ghost Town under any difficulty. As you progress through the level there are several opportunities for you to pick up the laser designator. When you get to the last part of the mission, where you face the Legionnaire in his helicopter, use the laser designator on his helicopter. While the legionnaire is shooting at you, the helicopter is for the most part stationary. If you time it correctly, you should be able to able to guide the bomb and hit the helicopter. The easiest way to do this is to start locking onto the helicopter immediately after he shoots a few rounds at you and starts to fly around to get into another position.

Double slash
Pressing Y pulls out the knife in a slash. Pressing RT results in a normal slash. Press Y, RT to make two fast slashes. You can also press RB to switch back to the weapon to enable yourself to double slash again. Press RB, Y, RT repeatedly to to continue to double slash. This is very useful when there are multiple enemies and you want to rack up the dog tags.

Finding weapons or items
If you are having difficulty finding weapons or items, access the map and look for "X"s. They are indicators of where weapons an items are located. Sometimes there are also gold pickup spots next to these "X"s.

Online tips
Use the following strategies when playing online.
* When playing recon, do not be a selfish sniper. Stay relatively close to the objective. You will get more kills and your squad will not feel the urge to kill you as often.
* When a vehicle or person is tagged by a tracer round, demo classes will be able to home their rockets in on the target.
* Do not be so determined to get someone's dog tags that you forget about endangering yourself or your objective.
* Snipers move; it makes it harder for a counter-sniper to draw a bead.
* Never get into a helicopter without a partner

Acta Non Verba: SCAR (Silenced)
This could be either the SCAR-L or the SCAR-H (both can be silenced, they just different caliber ammunition). You will use hand grenades with this weapon. The west side of the map has a broken bridge. Check the house just across for the weapon. Haggard will mention that silencers are for girls -- or for counter-terror units.

Acta Non Verba: AK74u
This weapon is a recon rifle like the SCAR. This means hand grenades instead of launched grenades (of which you carry three more and can fire further). Once you destroy the missile launchers (the Armory objective), the Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces) who attack you in their distinctive blue woodland camouflage will have these weapons. Grab one temporarily and add it to your collection.

Acta Non Verba: M249 SAW
This weapon is difficult to get, if only because you will likely not be here if you ignore exploration. The weapon is at the beginning of the tank ride, in the first house on your right when you are ready to mount up. Because you will trigger the tanks to move if you go too far, you may want to finish the tank ride, then come back exploring. The large white X-mark will clue you in on which house in the valley houses the M249. It is useful to have when protecting the M1 Abrams in the town square. Consider getting this weapon before re-grouping at the red smoke after destroying the Zavrograd communications array.

Acta Non Verba: Gold bars
The five gold bars in this mission are hidden at the following locations.

* The house with the Legionnaire's insignia has the first of many gold bars in a safe box. All gold bars will be in similar boxes.
* On your way to the stage's second objective, there is a house at a fork in the road with some Russians. Clear it out and check the second floor of that house for this gold bar.
* South and west of the Russian missile armory, there should be a small white X-mark in make shift pit (this is on the south bank of the river). It is the same location where Haggard says, "I smell gold!" (the beach camp with several Russians).
* When destroying the anti-tank guns in the town, there is a building on the east half of the town with a red (not blue) "Hotel" sign. The building is defended by several machinegun nests (mounted and emplaced). You must clear the opposition first. Check the second floor. It is one of the few houses you cannot reach the attic because the box blocks the ladder access.
* After guiding the tanks, you will be told to regroup at the smoke. Instead of doing that, go left of the smoke and case the wall. You will see it on a table-like object.

Air Force One: Gold bars
The five gold bars in this mission are hidden at the following locations.
* In the building on the south end of the dam where trucks cross. It has two large boxes on the roof, and an SV98 and gold bar inside.
* In the building where you have to destroy the radio equipment in the basement, in the room with all the explosives. The gold bar will be against the wall.
* On the small island near and AA truck in the river, the gold is in the ruins of a small building that has no roof, with two enemy soldiers.
* At the large base, after destroying everything and taking out the boats, look for a pair of two-story blue buildings. Next to them is a large white building. The gold bar is inside.
* When you are sent out for fuel, go down the ramp. On the left will be a building with an "X". Inside is a RPG7 rocket launcher and a gold bar.

Crossing Over: Gold bars
The five gold bars in this mission are hidden at the following locations.
* Before attacking the first antenna box, continue east down the road to a construction area. The gold bar is on top of some cinder blocks.
* Directly south from third antenna box, there should be a house with an "X" on it. Inside is the MG36 and the gold bar.
* After attacking the second antenna box, there is a group of houses down the hill. The gold bar is under the barn with the APC.
* While crossing over the pools in the walkway, look to the north to find some shipping containers. The gold bar is on top of the containers. Jump over from the nearby staircase to collect it.
* After fighting through the harbor, go down the ramp and turn to your right. Move in that direction until you see a small green house in the corner of the zone. The gold bar is inside the house.

Par For The Course: Gold bars
The five gold bars in this mission are hidden at the following locations.
* Directly above the west gun you must destroy there are a group of X spots.
* The island in the middle of the lake has a gold bar and an X spot with a collectible gun.
* After you get the goggles and go to a weapons depot for some ammunition, there will be three tanks. The gold bar is behind the tanks on the golf course up the hill.
* When you go around the mountainous rocks that separate you and the other pathway, you will reach the top of the map. At the tip of the map is an X and a tank. The gold bar is next to them.
* A gold bar is at the rear of the mansion's bottom floor.

Power tool
The power tool can be used to destroy walls, bridges, trees, and almost anything else that can break.

Grenade launcher
Do not use the grenade launcher against people. It does not do damage unless it is a direct hit.

Use your knife to destroy small encumbrances, such as fences, walls, snipers, or trees.

Better jumps
You can sprint after jumping. Use this to get more height and go farther when jumping.

View: 5717 times
Updated: 2010.02.17

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