Comix Zone - Xbox 360

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Comix Zone - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Comix Zone - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Sketch fart
Defeat all enemies in a room, then repeatedly tap [Down]. Alternately, hold [Down] and attack an enemy.

Sketch dance
Hold [Left] and [Right] to make sketch dance.

Execute the following moves:
After 3 punching moves: Scissor kick
After 3 high roundhouses: Distance air kick
After 3 knee kicks: Hand plant kick

Hidden Roadkill
In the second page of "Welcome To The Temple", if you lost Roadkill, pick him up after the double staked gate at the beginning. Immediately after that you cannot see him, but he is pacing around there. Collect him.

Hidden panels
In "Welcome To The Temple: Part 1", when you get to the place with three rocks stacked up on top of each other, take the left route. Follow it, then go down. Destroy the crawler, and hit the wall on the side multiple times.
In "Curse Of The Dead Ships: Part 1", continue along past the panel with multiple mines. Keep going to the next one. At the bottom of the cave, release Roadkill. He will find a secret passage leading down to two question marks.

Sixth sense
When there are hidden enemies on the screen, Sketch Turner will keep panting in a ready stance instead of resting. For example, in "Night Of The Mutants Part 1", Flying Kreep in barrels.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of
Gamerscore points:
Complete The Game (25 points): Rescue Alissa and complete the game.
Choice is Good (25 points): Receive both endings.
Points III (25 points): Score 50,000 points.
3rd Grade (15 points): Use a paper airplane.
Points II (15 points): Score 30,000 points.
Accelerate Your Hero (25 points): Complete Episode 3.
Buddha Says (15 points): Complete Episode 2.
Unknown Territory (15 points): Finish the first page.
Points I (10 points): Score 10,000 points.
Orange Bull (10 points): Use the Iced Tea to restore your health.
Boo-Ya! (10 points): Use the dynamite.

View: 5379 times
Updated: 2010.11.25

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