Dead Space 2 - Xbox 360

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Dead Space 2 - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Dead Space 2 - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Prequel bonuses
Successfully complete Dead Space: Ignition in single player Ignition mode to unlock the Hacker suit (has bonus perks and hacking capabilities), a Hacker-themed Contact Beam weapon skin, exclusive audio logs, and extra power nodes, health packs, and credits.

Refurbished Plasma Cutter
Have a saved game file from the original Dead Space. The Refurbished Plasma Cutter can be found at the first store.

Special suits
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding suit.
Arctic Security Suit: Complete the game under the Zealot difficulty to unlock it at the store
Elite Advanced Suit: Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 11. When the yellow lift reaches the top, turn around to find it on the ledge between the elevator and wall.
Elite Engineer Suit: Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 2, just before the first short outer space section.
Elite Riot Suit: Purchase at the store in New Game + mode.
Elite Security Suit: Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 9. After you exit the tram, search over the railing.
Elite Vintage Suit: Find the schematic in New Game + mode during Chapter 6. Search the area where you fight the tank before the end of the chapter.
Hacker Suit: Have a saved game file from Dead Space: Ignition to unlock it at the store.
Soldier Suit: Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty to unlock it at the store.

Hand cannon
Successfully complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty setting and upgrade the plasma pistol. The unlimited ammunition and one hit kill hand cannon can be found at the first shop. This weapon resembles a foam finger, and when fired Isaac makes "Bang Bang" and "Pew Pew Pew" sounds.

Hardcore difficulty
Successfully complete Campaign mode. This mode only allows you to restart from the last save game and only three save slots for the entire campaign will be available. You also cannot start this difficulty from the "New Game +" option.

New Game + mode
Successfully complete Campaign mode and save the game. This mode allows access to your all the weapons and items in the store and your inventory.

Extraction: Expert and Impossible difficulty
Successfully complete Chapter 10.

Necromorph upgrades
Reach the indicated level in your online career to unlock the corresponding upgrade.
Lurker Execution Attack Damage Increase: Level 27
Lurker Health Increase: Level 43
Lurker Melee Damage Increase: Level 15
Lurker Range Damage Increase: Level 3
Pack Execution Attack Damage Increase: Level 18
Pack Gets Out of Stasis Faster: Level 48
Pack Health Increase: Level 31
Pack Melee Damage Increase: Level 6
Puker Execution Attack Damage Increase: Level 24
Puker Health Increase: Level 58
Puker Melee Damage Increase: Level 39
Puker Ranged Damage Increase: Level 12
Spitter Execution Damage Increase: Level 9
Spitter Health Increase: Level 53
Spitter Melee Damage Increase: Level 21
Spitter Ranged Damage Increase: Level 35

Online level bonuses
Reach the indicated level online to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Solid Army Green Suit: Level 4
Stasis Increase to 2 Shots: Level 5
Line Gun: Level 7
Solid Red Suit: Level 8
Force Gun: Level 11
Solid Black Suit: Level 13
Increased Magazine Size (Plasma Cutter): Level 14
Solid Olive Suit: Level 16
Seeker Rifle: Level 17
Pulse Rifle Magazine Size Increase: Level 19
Urban Camo Blue Suit: Level 20
Urban Camo Army Green Suit: Level 23
Increased Magazine Size (Line Gun): Level 25
Urban Camo Red Suit: Level 26
Javelin Gun: Level 28
Increased Magazine Size (Force Gun): Level 29
Stasis Increase to 3 Shots: Level 30
Urban Camo Military: Level 32
Increased Magazine Size (Seeker Rifle): Level 33
Increased Weapon Damage (Plasma Cutter): Level 34
Urban Camo Olive Suit: Level 36
Pulse Rifle Weapon Damage Increase: Level 38
Rivet Gun Magazine Size Increase: Level 40
Tiger Camo Blue Suit: Level 41
Increased Weapon Damage (Line Gun): Level 42
Increased Magazine Size (Javelin Gun): Level 44
Tiger Camo Army Green Suit: Level 45
Increased Weapon Damage (Force Gun): Level 46
Tiger Camo Red Suit: Level 49
Increased Damage (Seeker Rifle): Level 50
Tiger Camo Military Suit: Level 52
Rivet Gun Weapon Damage Increase: Level 54
War Torn Suit: Level 56
Increased Weapon Damage (Javelin Gun): Level 57
Visceral Games Suit: Level 59

Additionally, you can unlock the Solid Viral White Suit or Urban Camo Viral Yellow Suit by killing a player that is wearing them.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Mission Impossible (50 points): Complete the game on Zealot setting.
Romper Stomper (25 points): Stomp 10 Containers.
Vacuum Cleaner (30 points): Decompress 20 Necromorphs without getting sucked out yourself.
Made Us Whole (10 points): Complete the game on any difficulty setting.
Frozen in Time (10 points): Kill 50 Necromorphs while they are in Stasis (single player only).
First Aid (10 points): Use Quick Heal ten times (single player only).
Epic Dismemberment (50 points): Dismember 2,500 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
...And Stay Down (10 points): Kill 25 crawling enemies with Stomp (single player only).
Think Fast (15 points): Kill 30 Necromorphs with Kinesis objects.
The Nanny (10 points): Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them.
C-Section (10 points): Knock down an enemy with Contact Beam Alt-Fire then kill it with Primary Fire before it stands up.
Going for Distance (20 points): Impale an enemy and make him fly through the air for 17 meters - it must stick to the surface.
Taste of your own Medicine (20 points): TK Impale a live Slasher to a surface using a Slasher's arm - it must stick to the surface.
It's a Trap! (20 points): Kill 20 enemies with Detonator Mines in a deployed state.
Necro Flambé (10 points): Kill 50 enemies using the Flamethrower.
Peek a Boo! (20 points): Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode.
Brute Juke (10 points): Kill a Brute without taking damage.
Shoot the Limbs! (10 points): Dismember 25 Necromorph Limbs (single player only).
Bouncing Betty (10 points): Kill a Cyst by catching its Mine and throwing it back.
Skewered in Space (15 points): Impale an enemy into a Decompression Window to cause it to blow out.
Hard to the Core (50 points): Complete the game on Hard Core setting.
Clean Cut (10 points): Sever all three tentacles of a Lurker with one Line Gun Primary Fire shot (single player only).
Lawnmower Man (10 points): Kill 4 enemies with the same Ripper blade.
Fully Loaded (50 points): Simultaneously have four completely upgraded weapons.
The Sampler Platter (20 points): Kill a Necromorph with every Weapon in the game (single player only)..
Lightspeed de Milo (10 points): Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue.
Looking good (10 points): Purchase the Advanced Suit.
Fully Outfitted (30 points): Upgrade your RIG and Stasis completely.
Picking favorites (30 points): Upgrade 1 Weapon completely.
The Engineer (10 points): Collect 10 Schematics.
My Boom Stick (20 points): Kill 6 enemies at once with Line Gun's Alt-Fire (single player only).
Shock Therapy (10 points): Impale an enemy with the Javelin Gun and use its Alt-Fire to shock 3 others (single player only).
Collect Peng (20 points): Find the Peng treasure.
The Librarian (10 points): Collect 100 logs.
The Electrician (10 points): Collect 10 Semiconductors.
Additionally there are fifteen secret achievements.
The Fugitive (50 points): Escape the Facility.
Cross your Heart, Hope to Die (30 points): Survive the Eye Poke Machine.
The Final Sacrifice (50 points): Destroy the Marker.
Clever Girls (10 points): Survive your first encounter with Stalkers.
Torment Me No More (20 points): Kill the Tormenter.
The Graduate (20 points): Win the fight at the School.
Patient on the Loose (15 points): Get your first Suit.
Derailed (20 points): Survive the Train Sequence.
One Small Step (10 points): Get through the first Zero-G area.
Hornet's Nest (30 points): Destroy the Tripod Nest.
Operation! (15 points): Snare the Shard with the Ishimura.
Knock Knock (25 points): Complete the Drill Ride.
Elevator Action (15 points): Knock off every Tripod during the Elevator Sequence.
Shut Down (10 points): Defeat the AI.
Powered Up (15 points): Complete the Solar Array Puzzle.

View: 7155 times
Updated: 2011.02.26

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