Age of Empires Online - Xbox 360

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Age of Empires Online - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Age of Empires Online - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Sphinxed! (40 points): Build the Sphinx in your Capital City.
Tomb Dweller (40 points): Build the Tomb in your Capital City.
Pyramid Power (40 points): Build the Large Pyramid, Large Step Pyramid, and Small Step Pyramid in your Capital City.
I HAS A HORSEY (40 points): Build the Trojan Horse in your Capital City.
Ssssssssh! (40 points): Build the Library in your Capital City.
This. Is. Spartaaaaaaaaaan! (40 points): Build the Spartan Academy in your Capital City.
Raging Rusher (15 points): Complete "Master of Faster!" with premium Egyptian content.
Sandbiscuit (15 points): Complete "The Ultimate Camel Gauntlet Test" with premium Egyptian content.
Lord of the Nile (15 points): Complete "Fall of Nubia" with premium Egyptian content.
The Son's Destiny (15 points): Complete "Vizier's Doom" with premium Egyptian content.
Green Thumb (15 points): Complete "It’s The Final Farm Down" with premium Greek content.
City Defender (15 points): Complete "Defend Mycenae!" with premium Greek content.
Conqueror (15 points): Complete "Horsing Around" with premium Greek content.
The Preacher (15 points): Complete "Spread the Word" with premium Greek content.
Egyptian Prince (20 points): Achieve level 10 with premium Egyptian content.
Egyptian General (30 points): Achieve level 20 with premium Egyptian content.
Egyptian Pharaoh (50 points): Achieve level 30 with premium Egyptian content.
Egyptian God (100 points): Achieve level 40 with premium Egyptian content.
Greek Polemarch (20 points): Achieve level 10 with premium Greek content.
Greek Strategos (30 points): Achieve level 20 with premium Greek content.
Greek King (50 points): Achieve level 30 with premium Greek content.
Hold Me (10 points): Complete any Co-op quest.
Greek God (100 points): Achieve level 40 with premium Greek content.
BFF (10 points): Visit any player’s capital city.
I'm Special (30 points): Complete any Elite quest.
Fear the Gear (15 points): Equip your first piece of gear.
GG Noob (50 points): Win a Ranked player vs. player game.
Do or Do Not… (40 points): Complete "Left with No Choice" with premium content.
The Cook is In the Kitchen (40 points): Complete "Breaking Eggs to Make an Omelet" with premium content.
Sphere of Influence (25 points): Complete a quest accepted from any other player's Ambassador.
You Complete Me (20 points): Complete "You Complete Me" with premium content.

View: 7104 times
Updated: 2011.08.09

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