Name of the file: Deus Ex : Human Revolution - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360] |
Easy experience When hacking, save the game. Thenm hack the optional nodes but do not complete the hack. After you hack the nodes, load the previous saved game. Repeat the process. When you finally complete the hack, you will get all the nodes (from the previous times you loaded) on top of the nodes you get normally. Use this on the computer in Jensen's office for 500 experience points every time you load for easy Praxis points. Hack everything possible if you have the required Hacking skill. This will result in easy experience points as well as possible access codes and credits. Non-lethal takedowns and kills are worth more experience points than the lethal variety. Note: If you have the Reflex Booster Augmentation you can will earn 125 experience points from a non-lethal takedown. In Hengsha, China every store has a back door. Open it, then walk inside for a Traveler bonus of 100 experience points. Unlimited ammunition Upgrade your Hacking and Strength until you can pick up turrets. They contain unlimited ammunition. Set them down or allow them fire while you move. Note: This also can be done with robots. Storing items When you throw an item on the ground, the game will keep it there, even if you leave the area. Picus Communications: Funicular When you must wait for the Funicular to come up in Picus Communications, enemies will appear. Before pressing the elevator button, save the game. Use heavy objects to block both entrances into the room. Note: This requires the Move/Lift Heavy Objects Augment. You can use the two vending machines outside the room, two crates next to the security computer, and the turret in the centerto block the lower doorway and the side corridor. If done correctly, the guards will remain outside while you are waiting for the Funicular. Control dialog view Hold [Aim] and use the usual controls to look around during the third person dialogs between Adam and other characters. Note: This will not work during intermission sequences. Easy stealth kills If you prefer to take your enemies down quietly but are be finding it difficult, find an indestructible object such as a barrel or container and take it with you. When you find a group of enemies, stand in a position where you want an enemy to approach. While holding the barrel, throw it next to yourself or close to where you wish your target to approach. The entire group will be alerted upon hearing the object slam to the ground or wall you threw it at, but only one should approach to investigate. The enemy will walk to the area alerted, stand where the sound came from, then begin to walk back after finding nothing. You can now knock them out or kill them undetected at your desired location. Note: If you throw the object a long distance, the investigating enemy may track the object's flight path directly back to your position. It is better to throw it nearby for repeated use. Terminal usernames and passwords Use the following username and passwords to access the corresponding terminal." Sarif HQ Sarif Industries F2: Username: "fpritchard" Password: "nuclearsnke" Sarif Industries F3: Username: "tbruger" Password: "eclipse" Sarif Industries F3: Username: "ajenson" Password: "mandrake" Sarif's Office: Username: "amargoulis" Password: "gsspgirl" Factoring Lans F1: Username: "doutchman" Password: "windmill" Admin F2: Username: "fmarchand" Password: "factotum" Admin F2: Username: "gthorpe" Password: "hydro" Admin F2: Username: "rmccauf" Password: "hvywethr" Admin F2: Username: "sgrimes" Password: "ovid" Admin F2: Username: "tcaldwell" Password: "talon" Admin F2: Username: "mross" Password: "lions" Admin F2: Username: "fbrooks" Password: "tipple" Admin F2: Username: "vclark" Password: "tigers" Admin F2: Username: "cparker" Password: "zinc" Admin F2: Username: "mlatona" Password: "redwings" Admin F4: Username: "jthorpe" Password: "hydra" Factoring Labs F1: Username: "doutchman" Password: "windmill" Detroit Jenson's Apartment Lobby: Username: "sterhorst" Password: "queenbee" Apartment 3 F2: Username: "docta" Password: "atcod" Apartment 3 F1: Username: "omalley" Password: "trojan" Police Department F1: Username: "bsterling" Password: "investor" Police Department F1: Username: "pdick" Password: "lectrolam" Police Department F1: Username: "jballard" Password: "solempire" Police Department F1: Username: "jchampagne" Password: "grimster" Police Department F1: Username: "wgibson" Password: "baronnull" Police Department F1: Username: "rdeckard" Password: "unicorn" Police Department F1: Username: "hellison" Password: "cordwainer" Police Department F1: Username: "bbethke" Password: "maverick" Police Department F1: Username: "pcadigan" Password: "desprit" Police Department F1: Username: "mfrezell" Password: "liezerf" Police Department F1: Username: "whass" Password: "catharsis" Police Department F2: Username: "fnicefield" Password: "patriotism" Police Department F2: Username: "cleboeuf" Password: "dasteer" Police Department F2: Username: "rpenn" Password: "apophenion" Police Department F3: Username: "cwagner" Password: "fuckface" Police Department F3: Username: "fmccann" Password: "solanum" Police Department F3: Username: "jalexander" Password: "basileus" Police Department F3: Username: "bgum" Password: "justicar" Police Department F3: Username: "guest" Password: "password1" Police Department F3: Username: "amurphy" Password: "thighgun" Fema Camp Fema Yard F1: Username: "wks0012" Password: "ntlec59" Fema Yard F1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub" Fema Interior B1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub" Fema Interior B1: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub" Fema Interior B1: Username: "wks0010" Password: "usprokt" Fema Interior B1: Username: "lbarret" Password: "bullskull" Fema Interior B3: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub" Fema Interior B3: Username: "spaxxor" Password: "neuralhub" Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks2011" Password: "crrctions" Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks3021" Password: "hmldsec1" Fema Interior B3: Username: "wks4145" Password: "hmldsec2" Hengsha Hung Hua Hotel: Username: "msuen" Password: "oleander" Alice Gardens Pod 1: Username: "asgarden" Password: "rbbthole" The Hive: Username: "bbao" Password: "vanguard" The Hive: Username: "wbees" Password: "paperfan" Tay Zong Medical Pool: Username: "poolrm" Password: "pelagic" F1: Username: "lgeng" Password: "gehong" F3: Username: "zarvlad" Password: "muonrule" F3: Username: "rkumar" Password: "outback" F4: Username: "nemuni" Password: "ironfist" F4: Username: "tymmf" Password: "ebrain" F4: Username: "gengl" Password: "pangutym" Picus F3: Username: "mwells" Password: "lavadome" F3: Username: "jricard" Password: "macro" F3: Username: "atresman" Password: "skylark" F3: Username: "sbernard" Password: "dumbass" F6: Username: "jkenney" Password: "montroyal" F6: Username: "dgassner" Password: "oneida" Restricted Area F1: Username: "pcorbo" Password: "spitfire" Restricted Area F1: Username: "bshupper" Password: "widget" Restricted Area F1: Username: "jchapman" Password: "diode" Restricted Area F1: Username: "jchapman" Password: "diode" Restricted Area F2: Username: "emasse" Password: "moufette" Restricted Area F2: Username: "bnorthco" Password: "sterling" Restricted Area F3: Username: "ltodd" Password: "titom" Detroit Convention Center F3: Username: "wtaggart" Password: "marjorie" Harvester Territory B1: Username: "zhengl" Password: "hirollr" Territory B2: Username: "ttong" Password: "mirrshds" Hengsha Seaport Seaport F2: Username: "prmtr01" Password: "collosus" Seaport F3: Username: "jwang" Password: "mainman" Omega Ranch F1: Username: "dfalk" Password: "topfrag" F1: Username: "eblake" Password: "hndstuth" F1: Username: "dabblett" Password: "monastic" F1: Username: "ogomez" Password: "techsmex" F1: Username: "lmorano" Password: "morpheus" F2: Username: "aoconnor" Password: "keppler" F2: Username: "pwalts" Password: "ruckus" Panchaea Port of Entry: Username: "kathys" Password: "mssinghme" Landing Pad: Username: "amelie" Password: "lstforever" Hyron Project: Username: "hualing" Password: "iwntlove" Hyron Project: Username: "daiyu" Password: "frgottn" Hyron Project: Username: "marilyn" Password: "yyyyyy" Tower: Username: "isabella" Password: "rhemmberme Access codes Use the following codes to bypass the corresponding location. Sarif HQ Helipad Storage: 8053 (security panel) Sarif Industries F3 (Denzel Mitchell Office): 1364 (security panel) Sarif Industries F3 (Ted Bruger Office): 9642 (security panel) Sarif Industries F3: 0250 (security panel) Sarif Industries F2 (Frieda Malik Office): 5475 (security panel) Sarif Industries F2: 3716 (security panel) Sarif Industries F2 (Mike Pine Office): 4145 (security panel) Sarif Manufacturing Plant Assembly Line 1 F2: 1505 (Bomb Panel) Detroit City Streets Detroit City Streets (North): 0187 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Central): 0002 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Central): 1904 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Central): 2928 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Central): 6542 (Laser Grid Panel) Detroit City Streets (East): 4891 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (East): 1966 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Southwest): 4626 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Southeast): 5551 (security panel) Detroit City Streets (Southwest): 8982 (security panel) Detroit City Sewers: 2599 (security panel) Detroit City Sewers: 0000 (bomb panel) Detroit Sewers: 8218 (laser grid panel) Detroit Sewers: 0110 (security panel) Detroit Apartments Jensen's Apartment: 5375 (safe panel) Apartment 2 F1: 0739 (safe panel) Apartment 2 F2: 3733 (security panel) Apartment 3 B1: 8974 (security panel) Apartment 3 F1: 1077 (security panel) Apartment 3 F1: 1029 (security panel) Apartment 3 F1: 1031 (safe panel) Apartment 3 F2: 3663 (security panel) Apartment 3 F2: 8221 (security panel) Apartment 3 F2: 2356 (security panel) Apartment 4 F3: 1948 (safe panel) Apartment 4 F3: 7767 (security panel) Detroit Derelict Row Derelect Row F1: 3290 (security panel) Derelect Row F1: 5962 (security panel) Derelect Row F3: 5463 (safe panel) Detroit Police Department B1: 2599 (security panel) B1: 7366 (laser grid panel) B1: 7366 (laser grid panel) B1: 9212 (security panel) F1: 4816 (security panel) F1: 1856 (security panel) F3: 2231 (security panel) F3: 6065 (security panel) F3: 3727 (security panel) Fema Camp Fema Interior B1: 7984 (security panel) Fema Interior B1: 7984 (security panel) Fema Interior B1: 7984 (security panel) Fema Yard F1: 7984 (security panel) Fema Yard F1: 7984 (laser grid panel) Fema Yard F1: 7984 (laser grid panel) Hengsha City Streets Hengsha Streets (West): 3444 (safe panel) Hengsha Streets (East): 1381 (security panel) Hengsha Streets (East): 1339 (security panel) Hengsha Streets (East): 1379 (security panel) Hengsha Streets (East): 7845 (security panel) Lower Hengsha Streets (South): 5377 (security panel) Hengsha Buildings Hung Hua Hotel: 7657 (safe panel) Alice Garden Pods F1: 3785 (security panel) Alice Garden Pods F1: 3824 (security panel) The Hive: 0415 (security panel) The Hive: 8953 (safe panel) Tai Yong Medical Storage Area: 4865 (security panel) Storage Area: 5720 (security panel) Storage Area: 0821 (security panel) Pool: 7934 (security panel) Pool: 9409 (laser grid panel) F1: 4713 (security panel) F3: 9762 (laser grid panel) F3: 9762 (laser grid panel) F3: 2459 (laser grid panel) F3: 5126 (laser grid panel) F4: 2967 (security panel) F4: 3090 (security panel) F4: 6906 (security panel) Penthouse: 0117 (safe panel) Picus F1: 0068 (security panel) Restricted Area F1: 0101 (security panel) Restricted Area F1: 1006 (security panel) Restricted Area F3: 1980 (security panel) Harvester Harvester Territory B2: 7920 (safe panel) Hengsha Seaport Seaport F1: 7785 (security panel) Seaport F2: 4589 (security panel) Seaport F3: 3295 (security panel) Omega Ranch Omega F1: 2410 (security panel) Omega F1: 9992 (security panel) Omega F1: 2535 (laser grid panel) Omega F1: 1385 (security panel) Omega F1: 0111 (security panel) Omega F1: 0111 (security panel) Omega F2: 5377 (security panel) Omega F2: 1504 (security panel) Panchaea Port of Entry: 7153 (security panel) Machinery: 9823 (security panel) Machinery: 9823 (security panel) Tower: 8024 (security panel) RoboCop reference In Detroit, in the police station on the top-most floor, there is a Detective Alex Murphy. This is RoboCop's real name. If you sneak up on him and another police officer talking in his office (there is an air vent in the office) you will hear them talking about an old movie where a cop gets turned into a cyborg. Achievements Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. Cloak & Daggers (10 points): Deal with the man in the shadows. Smash the State (10 points): Help Officer Nicholas take out the trash. Acquaintances Forgotten (10 points): Follow Pritchard's lead to uncover the truth. Doctorate (50 points): Read all 29 unique XP books within a single playthrough. Lesser Evil (10 points): Deal with Mr. Carella's indiscretion. Motherly Ties (10 points): Put a grieving mother's doubts to rest. Corporate Warfare (10 points): Protect a client's interests by performing a less-than-hostile takeover. Talion A.D. (10 points): Descend into the bowels of an urban jungle and confront a warrior-priest. Gun Nut (20 points): Fully upgrade one of your weapons. Bar Tab (10 points): Help the Hive Bartender settle a tab. Rotten Business (10 points): Help a lady in the oldest of professions clean house. Shanghai Justice (10 points): It may take some sleuthing, but justice must be served. Hax0r1! (15 points): Successfully hack 50 devices within the same playthrough. Transhumanist (5 points): Fully upgrade your first augmentation of choice. Consciousness is Over-rated (15 points): Knock out 100 enemies in a single playthrough. First Takedown (5 points): Perform your first Takedown. Civilians don't count, so be nice. Opportunist (15 points): Perform 50 takedowns within the same playthrough. (Civilians don't count.). First Hack (5 points): Perform your first Hack successfully. Deus Ex Machina (50 points): Experience all the different endings that Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer. Pacifist (100 points): Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without anyone dying by your hand. (Boss fights don't count.). Foxiest of the Hounds (100 points): Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without setting off any alarms. Up the Ante! (15 points): Upgrade your first weapon of choice. Trooper (50 points): Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Legend (100 points): Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at its hardest setting without ever changing the difficulty. Additionally there are twenty five secret achievements. Ghost (15 points): You made it through an entire hostile area without so much as a squeak. Sentimental Value (10 points): You kept Megan's bracelet for yourself. Apparently, letting go really is the hardest part. The Take (10 points): Greedy bastard. You accepted O'Malley's blood money and let him go. Guardian Angel (10 points): You paid poor Jaya's debt in full. How very.. humane.. of you. The D Project (15 points): You watched the entire credit list and saw the surprise at the end. Good Soul (15 points): Against all odds, you saved Faridah Malik's life. Hangar 18 (10 points): You found and read the secret message. Now you know too much.. Super Sleuth (10 points): You really nailed your case against Lee Hong. Ladies Man (10 points): You convinced Mengyao to spill the beans on the mysterious Hyron Project. Balls (5 points): Seems you like playing with balls, eh? Lucky Guess (10 points): Next time, Jacob better use a more complex code to arm his bombs. Kevorkian Complex (10 points): You granted a dying man his final request. The Fall (10 points): You sent Diamond Chan on the trip of a lifetime. The End (25 points): You defeated Zhao Yun Ru and destroyed the Hyron Project. Old School Gamer (10 points): You found all the hidden story items in Megan's office. Point and Click much? Unforeseen Consequence (15 points): You convinced Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go. The Bull (25 points): You defeated Lawrence Barrett, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad. The Mantis (25 points): You defeated Yelena Fedorova, elite member of a secret mercenary hit squad. The Snake (25 points): You defeated Jaron Namir, Leader of Belltower's Elite Special Operations Unit. The Throwdown (15 points): You convinced the smooth-talking politician Bill Taggart to tell the truth in public. The Last Straw (15 points): You talked Doctor Isaias Sandoval out of suicide. The Final Countdown (15 points): You showed millionaire Hugh Darrow that his logic was flawed. The Desk Job (15 points): You convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue. Yes Boss (15 points): You had an argument with your boss, David Sarif, and won. Darker Shades (15 points): You convinced a fast-talking bartender to let you see Tong Si Hung. |
View: 9066 times |
Updated: 2011.09.20 |
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