Deadliest Warrior : Legends - Xbox 360

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Deadliest Warrior : Legends - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Deadliest Warrior : Legends - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

God mode for player one
Press Up, A, X, B, Y, Down at the main menu.

God mode for player two
Press Down B, X, A, Y, Up at the main menu.

Sudden Death mode
Press X, RB, Up, Down, LB, A at the main menu. All warriors start each round with critical health in this mode.

Single player Slice mode
Press LT, X, A, X, A, RT at the main menu.

Single player Zombie mode
Press Y, A(3), X, B at the main menu.

Challenge mode
Successfully complete the game with all characters.

Alternate armor
Defeat the character you are playing as in Arcade mode.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon.
Farmer's Pitch Fork: Kill 25 enemies in survival slice with Vlad The Impaler.
Hand Fan: Kill 25 enemies in survival slice with Sun Tzu.
Koi: Kill 25 enemies in Survival Slice with Genghis Khan.
Mid Range Weapon: Complete the Slice Challenge in Arcade mode.
Projectile Weapon: Complete Arcade mode.
Short Range Weapon: Defeat the Navy SEAL during the first challenge in Arcade mode.
Toy Scythe: Kill 25 enemies in Survival Slice with Hernan Cortes.
Tribal Flute: Kill 25 enemies in Survival Slice with Shaka Zulu.
Wooden Spoon: Kill 25 enemies in Survival Slice with Hannibal.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.

Legendary Warrior (10 points): Win 10 online ranked duels.
These Dice are Loaded! (5 points): Lose three consecutive battles at even odds or better during a game of Generals.
Six Degrees of Separation (35 points): Severed every limb from your opponent during a slice mode duel without using a final strike.
Slash Mode (40 points): Kill 50 enemies in a row in Survival Slice Challenge as the primary player.
Legendary Arsenal (20 points): Unlock all weapon and armor for each of the Legendary Warriors.
Legendary General (15 points): Activate all three General Abilities during a single game of Generals.
Marksman (10 points): Get three consecutive headshots using any long range weapon in a single ranked duel.
When Push Comes to Shove (5 points): As the primary player, After being pushed knock an opponent out of the ring.
A Pox of the Small Variety (5 points): Win a ranked online duel against a developer playing as Cortes or someone with this achievement.
Dead and Broken (10 points): Break your opponent's arm and leg by grappling before final striking them in a ranked duel.
If anyone Khan, Genghis Khan! (35 points): Beat arcade mode with Genghis Khan using only the dead fish on Deadliest Difficulty.
Denied! (10 points): Parry your opponent three times in a row without being hit in a single ranked duel.

Avatar Awards
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award.
Sun Tzu's costume: Complete Arcade mode with any warrior.
Sun Tzu's helmet: Complete Arcade mode as each warrior under the Deadliest difficulty setting.

View: 5210 times
Updated: 2012.01.05

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