Choplifter HD - Xbox 360

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Choplifter HD - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Choplifter HD - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

All Star (20) - Get 5 Stars on all levels
Dinner is Served (10) - Kill 1000 chickens
Get the Scoop! (20) - Save Scoop on every level he is present
Goat for IT! (10) - Make 100 goats faint
Mission Accomplished (20) - Complete the game on NORMAL
No Stone Unturned (10) - Find all secrets
Oopsies (20) - Complete a level by killing all the rescuees
Pacifist (20) - Complete all escape missions without killing anyone
Superhero (20) - Complete Desert Rescue without letting any rescuees die
Trigger Happy (20) - Kill 100 enemy soldiers on one level without restarting the level
Unfriendly Fire (20) - Kill 10,000 enemies across all the levels
Zombicide (10) - Kill 1000 zombies

View: 5775 times
Updated: 2012.01.25

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