Darksiders II - Xbox 360

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Darksiders II - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Darksiders II - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Chaos Fang Scythe

To obtain this level 1 scythe which will boost critical damage you must have a saved game file from the first Darksiders on your hard drive where you have beaten the game.

Paudron of the Horsemen
If you have played the first Darksiders on the same system you play Darksiders 2 on you can obtain a level 5 armor called the "Paudron of the Horsemen" Seek out Mryia the Shaman(dressed in light blue) on the east side of Tri-Stone talk to her and she will give it to you.
Paudron of the Horsemen - If you have played the first Darksiders on the same system you play Darksiders 2 on you can obtain a level 5 armor called the "Paudron of the Horsemen

Avatar Awards
Darksiders II T-Shirt - A T-Shirt featuring the Joe Mad Darksiders II artwork used to announce the game.
Death Mask - Don the mask of Death and reap the souls of your enemies as the most feared of the four horsemen.
Game Logo Cap - Show your support for Darksiders II with this Logo Cap.

BFA 10 - Unlock Everything
Full Potential 30 - Unlock All Combat Moves & Upgrades
Pay It Forward 10 - Gift An Item To A Friend
Feeding Time 20 - Level Up Your 1st Possessed Weapon
Epic! 10 - Death Reaches Level 30
Abracadabra 30 - Open all Death Tombs
Is There Anyone Else? 30 - Complete The Crucible
Respec Yourself 20 - Your First Respec
Bravo Old Chap 20 - Defeat Wicked K
Grim Reaping 30 - Unlock Reaper Form
The Secondary Adventure 50 - Complete all Secondary Quests
A True Horseman 90 - Complete the game on APOCALYPTIC
Four My Brother 90 - Complete the game on NORMAL
A Stroll In The Demonic Park 30 - Complete the game on any difficulty setting

View: 6512 times
Updated: 2013.06.07

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