Child of Light - Xbox 360

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Child of Light - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Child of Light - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]


Aurora Borealis - Collect 5 deposits of Stardust. - 15
Bolmus Bond - Robert joins Aurora's party. - 10
Capilli Catch - Finn joins Aurora's party. - 10
Comedy - Rubella joins Aurora's party. - 10
Coronation (secret) - Dethrone the Queen of the Night. - 50
Explorer - Find and open 30 trunks. - 10
General of Light - Win a battle against 3 dark creatures without losing any HP. - 20
Golden Apple - Finish the Lemurian Request: Free Trade. - 10
Grassroots - Finish 3 Lemurian Requests. - 25
Guardians of Lemuria - Win a battle without Aurora. - 10
Kategida Kindred - Óengus joins Aurora's party. - 10
Master Oculist - Craft Oculi. - 10
Over the Moon (secret) - Recover the moon. - 20
Perfect Sonnet - Collect all Confessions. - 20
Perfectionist - Upgrade a skill to its highest level. - 15
Piscean Promise - Gen joins Aurora's party. - 10
Scene Stealer - Execute 3 Surprise Strikes. - 15
Showstopper - Interrupt 3 foes at the same time. - 25
Starcatcher (secret) - Recover the stars. - 10
Sunrise (secret) - Recover the sun. - 20
Sweet Sister - Norah joins Aurora's party. - 10
Tenth Birthday - Achieve level 10 with Aurora. - 10
The Girl and the Firefly - Meet Igniculus. - 10
Through the Looking Glass - Send Oculi to a friend. - 10
Tragedy - Tristis joins Aurora's party. - 10
When Pigs Fly - Finish the Lemurian Request: Achilles's Odyssey. - 10
Winged Fury - Devastate 5 foes. - 15

View: 3164 times
Updated: 2014.10.03

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