Name of the file: FIFA 16 - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360] |
Specialties: Specialties are assigned to different players based on Physical Traits. The following specialities are are assigned when you have the corresponding requirement(s). Acrobat: Requires 90 Agility or 86 Agility combined with 80 Reaction. Aerial Threat: Requires 85 Jumping, and the following Heading based on height. Players 6'2'' or shorter require 90 Heading. Player is 6'3'' or 6'4'' require approximately 83 Heading. Players 6'5'' or taller require 75 Heading. Clinical Finisher: Requires 80 Long Shot and 86 Finishing. Complete Defender: Requires Tactician, Tackling; or Strength, Acrobat, and Aerial Threat. Complete Forward: Requires Clinical Finisher, Poacher, and Aerial Threat, Speedster, Dribbler, or Strength. Complete Midfielder: Requires Playmaker, and two other Specialties from Distance Shooter, Engine, Dribbler, FK Specialist, Tackling, Crosser, and Clinical Finisher. Crosser: Requires 80 Curve and 86 Crossing. Distance Shooter: Have a total of 174 from Long Shots and Shot Power. Dribbler: Requires 5-star skill with a 85 Dribbling rate. Players who are 1-star to 4-star skill require 75 Balance and 86 Dribbling. Engine: Set the work rate for both Defense and Attack to 'High' and have approximately 85 Stamina. Mutually exclusive to the Poacher Specialty. Free Kick Specialist: Requires 86 Free Kicks and approximately 85 Curve or Shot Power. Playmaker: Requires a CM, CDM, or CAM with 86 Vision, 86 Short Passing, and 73 Long Passing. Poacher: Requires 75 Heading and 85 Finishing. Mutually exclusive to the Engine Specialty. Speedster Requires approximately 180 Acceleration and Sprint Speed. Strength: Requires players weighing under 180 lbs to have 90 Strength. Players weighing above 183 lbs will require approximately 86 Strength. Tackling: Requires Defenders with 85 Sliding Tackle and 86 Standing Tackle. Tactician: Requires 80 Reaction, 86 Tactical Awareness, and 86 Interception. Celebrations: The following celebrations are performed when you enter the corresponding code. Running Celebrations Ear Twist: Hold Y. One Arm Raised: Hold B. Thumb Suck: Hold X. Arms Out: Tap X, hold X. Wrist Flick: Tap Y, hold Y. Finger Points: Tap B, hold B. Aeroplane: Click Right Analog-stick. Point to Sky: Hold Right Analog-stick Up. Shhhhh!: Hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Telephone: Hold Right Analog-stick Down. Can You Hear Me?: Hold Right Analog-stick Away. Hands Out: Flick Forward then hold Right Analog-stick Away. Come On!: Flick Away and then hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Blow Kisses: Flick Down and then hold Right Analog-stick Up. Double Arm Swing: Flick Up and then hold Right Analog-stick Down. Flying Bird: Flick Forward and then hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Hand on Head: Flick Away and then hold Right Analog-stick Away. Heart Symbol: Flick Down and then hold Right Analog-stick Down. Arms Pointing Up: Flick Up and then hold Right Analog-stick Up. Windmill: Rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees clockwise. Finishing Celebrations Timber: Hold LT Press B. Violinist: Hold LT press X. Belly Flop: Hold LB and press X. Point to the Sky: Hold LB and press B. Show Respect: Hold LB and double tap B. Signature Finishing Move: Press A. Spanish Dance: Hold LT, flick Right Analog-stick Up. Riding the Wave: Hold LB and press Y. The Business: Hold LB, and flick Right Analog-stick Down. Standing Archer: Hold LB, and hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Punch & Dodge: Hold LB and hold Right Analog-stick Away. Chest Slide: Hold LB, and flick Right Analog-stick Down. Point Up: Hold LB, and flick Right Analog-stick Away. Backflip or Arms to Crowd: Hold LB and flick Right Analog-stick Up. Hand Spring or Roll & Punch: Hold LB and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees clockwise. Double Backflip and Roll: Hold LB and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees counterclockwise. Spanish Archer: Hold LT, and press Y. Hands on Ears: Hold L2, and double tap X. Stomach Slide: Hold LT, and double tap Y. Knee Slide Arms Out: Hold LT, and hold Right Analog-stick Up. I Can't Hear You: Hold LT, and hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Side Slide: Hold LT, and hold Right Analog-stick Down. Brick Fall: Hold LT, and hold Right Analog-stick Away. Knee Slide: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick Up, Down. Samba Dance: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick Away, Forward. Who Am I?: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick Forward, Away. Knee Slide to Sit: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick Down twice. Knee Slide Fail: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick Away twice. Flip or Cartwheel: Hold LT, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees clockwise. Twist Flip or Cartwheel Roll: Hold LT, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees counterclockwise. If I Catch You: Hold RT, and click Right Analog-stick. Why Always Me: Hold RB, and double tap Y. Kiss the Pitch: Hold RT, and double tap B. The Salute: Hold RB, and press Y. Chest Thump: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick Down twice. Peacock: Hold RB, and double tap B. Glamour Slide: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick Away twice. Pro Unlockable Celebrations Knee Walk: Hold RT, and press X. Cradle Swing: Hold RT, and press Y. Baby: Hold RT, and double tap Y. Backflips: Hold RT, and double tap X. Slide on Back: Hold RB, and double tap X. Flying Dive: Hold RB, and hold Right Analog-stick Up. Cockroach: Hold RB, and click Right Analog-stick. River Dance: Hold RB, flick Right Analog-stick Up. Many Bows: Hold RT, and hold Right Analog-stick Up. Pardon: Hold RT, and hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Spin & Fall: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick Up. Fall to Knees & Beg: Hold RT, and hold Right Analog-stick Down. Break Dance: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick Forward twice. Praise on Knees: Hold RT, hold Right Analog-stick Away. Backwards Worm: Hold RB, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees counterclockwise. Uncontrolled Backflip: Hold RT, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees counterclockwise. Handstand: Hold RT, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees counterclockwise. Rowing on Knees: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick Away twice. Seated Rowing: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick Forward twice. Karate Kicks: Hold RB, and hold Right Analog-stick Forward. Jump Kicks: Hold RB, and hold Right Analog-stick Down. Ice Skating: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick first Down and then Up. Golf Swing: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick first Away and then Forward. Dance #1: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick first Down and then Up. Dance #2: Hold RT flick Right Analog-stick Up Down. Dance #3: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick first Away and then Forward. Dance #4: Hold RT, and flick Right Analog-stick first Forward and then Away. EAS FC Unlockable Celebrations KO: Hold LB, and double tap X. Prancing Bird: Hold RB, and press X. Calm Down: Hold LB, and double tap Y. Right Here Right Now: Hold RB, and press B. Kiss the Wrist: Hold LT, and double tap B. Old Man: Hold LT, and click Right Analog-stick. The Bear: Hold LB, and hold Right Analog-stick Up. Stand Tall: Hold RB, and hold Right Analog-stick Away. Riding the Cat: Hold LB, and hold Right Analog-stick Down. Bailando Robot: Hold LB, and hold Right Analog-stick first Up and then Down. Muevelo: Hold LB, and flick Right Analog-stick first Forward and then Away. Muscle Flex: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick first Up and then Down. Push Ups: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick first Forward and then Away. Hand Bite: Hold LT, and flick Right Analog-stick first Down and then Up. The Worm: Hold RB, and rotate Right Analog-stick 360 degrees clockwise. Patty Cake: Hold LB, and flick Right Analog-stick Forward twice. Dance: Hold RB, and flick Right Analog-stick Down twice. Gallop Dance: Hold LB and click Right Analog-stick. Skill Moves and Juggles: Make your player perform the following moves by entering the corresponding code. 1-Star Skill Moves Foot Fake: While standing, hold LB and RB. Ball Juggle: While standing, hold LT and tap RB. 2-Star Skill Moves Drag Back: While standing, hold RB and flick the Left Analog-stick Down. Ball Roll - Left or Right: Hold the Right Analog-stick either Left or Right. Body Feint - Left or Right: Flick the Right Analog-stick either Left or Right. Stepover - Left or Right: Starting from top, rotate the Right Analog-stick either Left or Right. Reverse Stepover - Left or Right: Starting at either left or right, rotate the Right Analog-stick upward. 3-Star Skill Moves Heel Flick: Flick the Right Analog-stick Up then Down. Flick Up: Flick the Right Analog-stick Up(3). Roulette - Left or Right: Start from the down direction and rotate the Right Analog-stick to either left or right. Fake Left and Go Right: Start from either right or left side and rotate the Left Analog-stick in half circle left or right. Fake Right and Go Left: Start from either right or left side and rotate the Left Analog-stick in half circle left or right. 4-Star Skill Moves Spin Left: Flick the Right Analog-stick Down/Left(2). Spin Right: Flick the Right Analog-stick in Down/Right(2). Ball Hop: While standing, tap the Right Analog-stick. Simple Rainbow: Flick the Right Analog-stick Down, Up(2). Heel to Heel Flick: Flick the Right Analog-stick Up then Down. Ball Roll Cut Left: Hold the Right Analog-stick Right and the Left Analog-stick Left. Ball Roll Cut Right: Hold the Right Analog-stick Left and the Left Analog-stick Right. Advanced Rainbow: Flick the Right Analog-stick Down, hold it Up, then flick it Up. Feint Left and Exit Right: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from left to right. Feint Right and Exit Left: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from right to left. Stop and Turn Left/Right: While running, flick the Right Analog-stick Up then either Left or Right. Ball Roll Cut Right: Hold the Right Analog-stick Left and the Left Analog-stick Right. Ball Roll Cut Left: Hold the Right Analog-stick Right and the Left Analog-stick Left. 5-Star Skill Moves Quick Ball Rolls: Hold the Right Analog-stick Down. Elastico: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from right to left. Reverse Elastico: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from left to right. Ball Roll Fake Left: While standing, hold the Right Analog-stick Left then flick Right. Ball Roll Fake Right: While standing, hold the Right Analog-stick Right then flick Left. Hocus Pocus: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from down to left, then rotate it from left to right. Triple Elastico: Rotate the Right Analog-stick starting from down to right, then rotate it from right to left. Ball Roll and Flick - Left/Right: While running, hold the Right Analog-stick either Right or Left side and the flick Up. Sombrero Flick: While in the standing position, flick the Right Analog-stick in Up(2), Down. Turn and Spin - Left or Right: Flick the Right Analog-stick Up, then either Right or Left. Rabona Fake: While your player is jogging, hold LT + X or B then press A, then hold Left Analog-stick Down. Elastico Chop - Left/Right: Flick in the Right Analog-stick Down, then either Right or Left. 5-Star Juggles Laces Flick Up: Press LT + RB. Flick up for Volley: Hold the Left Analog-stick Up. Sombrero Flick Backwards: Hold Left Analog-stick Down. In Air Elastico: Flick the Left Analog-stick Right, Left. Sombrero Flick Left/Right: Hold Left Analog-stick Left or Right. Reverse In Air Elastico: Flick the Left Analog-stick Left, Right. Around the World: Starting from the downward direction, rotate the Right Analog-stick in a full circle. Chest Flick: Hold the Left Analog-stick Up then tap the Left Analog-stick once and the Right Analog-stick 3 times. T. Around the World: From the upward or downward direction, rotate Right Analog-stick in a full circle then flick Up. |
View: 18267 times |
Updated: 2016.03.03 |
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