King Kong - Xbox 360

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King Kong - Xbox 360
Name of the file: King Kong - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Cheat Mode
At the main menu, hold LT + RT and press Down, B, Up, X, Down(2), Up(2). Release LT + RT and a Cheat option will appear at the main menu. Select the Cheat option, then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Get Machine Gun
Enter KKcapone as a code.

Get Revolver
Enter KKtigun as a code.

Enter 8wonder as a code.

One-hit kills
Enter GrosBras as a code.

Full ammunition
Enter KK 999 mun as a code.

Level select
Enter KKst0ry as a code. Note: This code includes the number 0.

Infinite spears
Enter lance 1nf as a code. Note: This code includes the number 1.

Get Shotgun
Enter KKsh0tgun as a code. Note: This code includes the number 0.

Get Sniper Rifle
Enter KKsn1per as a code. Note: This code includes the number 1.

Bonuses completed
Enter KKmuseum as a code.

Killing smaller dinosaurs easily
Use the following trick to kill a smaller dinosaur, such as the Velociraptor, easily. Throw a spear directly in its neck or head. The spear does not need to be on fire.

Lever locations in Hayes level
In this level, you will come to a cave entrance with spiders surrounding a tree stump to the left. Ignore it for now, but this is the location of one lever. After you defeat the Raptors (kill them with flaming spears), light a spear on fire and burn the brush to the left of the gate while facing it. This will unveil the second lever. Grab a spear or bone, stab a dragon fly, then go back through the cave where the spiders were. Throw the bait to the right so the spiders leave the tree stump and you can obtain the other lever.

More effective spears and bones
Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire.

Artwork gallery
Successfully complete the game to unlock the artwork gallery.

View: 5274 times
Updated: 2006.02.19

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