Shadowrun - Xbox 360

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Shadowrun - Xbox 360
Name of the file: Shadowrun - Xbox 360 - Author: ANO - [XBOX360]

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Chapter 1 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 1 Training.

Chapter 2 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 2 Training.

Chapter 3 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 3 Training.

Chapter 4 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 4 Training.

Chapter 5 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 5 Training.

Chapter 6 Training (10 points): Complete Chapter 6 Training.

That's One Frustrated Sniper (10 points): Block ten sniper shots with Wired Reflexes.

Brother From Another Mother (20 points): Perform a cross-platform Resurrection.

Mine Is The Superior Platform (50 points): Kill 100 players on the opposite platform.

Healer (10 points): Save your allies with the Tree of Life.

Runner (10 points): Carry the Artifact all the way to the delivery point.

Unstoppable (50 points): Kill ten enemies in a row without being killed.

BFF (20 points): Play Public Match in a Party with players on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista.

Elf Player (10 points): Play as an Elf for one hundred games.

Dwarf Player (10 points): Play as a Dwarf for one hundred games.

Troll Player (10 points): Play as a Troll for one hundred games.

Human Player (10 points): Play as a Human for one hundred games.

Heavy Smoker (10 points): Ignore a great deal of damage using Smoke.

Summoner (10 points): Kill one hundred enemies with your Minions.

Teleporter (10 points): Teleport one hundred times.

Blowhard (10 points): Gust 5 enemies to their deaths.

Resurrector (10 points): Bring back one hundred allies from the dead.

Target Lock (10 points): Kill one hundred enemies with SmartLink active.

Trollhammer (10 points): Kill one hundred enemy Trolls.

Elf Bane (10 points): Kill one hundred enemy Elves.

Dwarf Scourge (10 points): Kill one hundred enemy Dwarves.

Street Samurai (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Katana.

Popgun (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Pistol.

Lead Hose (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Minigun.

Tatter Tatter (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Rifle.

Sniper (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Sniper Rifle.

Shotty (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Shotgun.

Special Delivery (20 points): Kill one hundred enemies with Grenades.

Master Blaster (10 points): Kill one hundred enemies with the Rocket Launcher.

100 Wins (100 points): Win 100 games during your Shadowrun career.

Well-Rounded (20 points): Win a Public Match game as each race.

Well-Traveled (20 points): Play a Public Match on each map.

3 for the Price of 1 (25 points): Kill three enemies with one grenade.

Zombie Scores! (20 points): Deliver the Artifact while bleeding out.

Assistant (20 points): Get a 5:1 damage-to-kill ratio.

That Was Close (20 points): Kill the Artifact carrier less than ten meters from the delivery point, and win the round.

Small World (20 points): Play Public Match with players on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista.

Master Thief (25 points): Deliver the Artifact untouched despite heavy defense.

You're Coming With Me (25 points): Avenge your own death!

Additionally, there are six secret achievements, all of which are currently unknown.

View: 5196 times
Updated: 2007.07.08

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