Name of the file: LocoCycle - Xbox One - Author: ANO - [XBOXONE] |
Achievements Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. The Nicaraguan Getaway (50 points): Get out of Nicaragua. Adios, Mexico (75 points): Confront your mortal enemy. Conquered Canyons (75 points): Put Nevada in your rear-view mirror. The Retirees Are Safe (75 points): Take out a helicopter with an unusual pilot. No More Snow Patrol (75 points): Bring down a giant mech in ski country. Scottsburg Defender (75 points): Learn about the real Holt Ryebach. Free To Do What We Wanna Do (145 points): Save Janesville from mass destruction. Back In Yo Face (25 points): Find the way of the counter. Tables Have Turned (50 points): Master the way of the counter and do it many times. Streaky Goodness (25 points): String together a monster combo streak. Champion Streaker (60 points): Reach an insanely high combo streak. Why So Hostile? (25 points): Get a bunch of innocents off the road and out of the way. Rubbin’, Son, Is Racin’ (15 points): Find that guns aren’t the only way to wreck a car. Car Go ‘Splode, Just In Time (40 points): Keep the guns going while a man attacks you from above. Big Oil Never Had a Chance (25 points): Waste no time ‘sploding the black gold hauler. Pablo Thanks You (60 points): Help I.R.I.S. and Pablo make it without a scratch. All Tricked Out (40 points): Turn I.R.I.S. into the ultimate weapon of destruction. Big Movie Watchings (25 points): Learn about all the secrets of Hollywood. All Game Secrets Revealed (25 points): See how things are made. Behind the Scenes Bonus DVD (15 points): Purchase everything ever made. |
View: 5132 times |
Updated: 2013.12.10 |
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