Injustice 2 - Xbox One

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Injustice 2 - Xbox One
Name of the file: Injustice 2 - Xbox One - Author: ANO - [XBOXONE]

Deadshot's Zone Coverage:
The best strategy for countering Deadshot's zone coverage is to play with a character who has a teleport attack such as Swamp Thing, Darksied, or Supergirl. Note: Choose Supergirl if she is available as her teleport punch is faster.

Unlock Nightwing:
A version of Nightwing can be fought in Multiverse events, he is basically Robin equipped with specific gear and abilities and becomes playable when you unlock the ability for Robin known as 'Staff of Grayson'. This is a random drop that takes up both Ability Slots, and changes Robin's moves to use his staff attacks instead of his sword.

Increase Character Level
The max level for that a character can reach is Level 20. Increasing your character level is done by playing in matches, both in solo play or online. When you win a fight you will earn a base reward of 400-500 XP. This means for a character to reach Level 20 they will need to have had 100 wins.

Listed below are three versions of the game that differ from the regular version and the bonuses they contain.

Pre-Order Bonus
Darkseid can be used as an extra character if people pre-order any copy of Injustice 2

Digital Deluxe Edition
The Digital Deluxe Edition will come with 3 DLC characters, a Power Girl skin and a gear shader.

Ultimate Edition
The Ultimate Edition will come with 9 DLC characters, 3 Premier Skins and 2 gear shaders.

View: 3848 times
Updated: 2017.06.20

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