Crackdown 3 - Xbox One

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Crackdown 3 - Xbox One
Name of the file: Crackdown 3 - Xbox One - Author: ANO - [XBOXONE]

All characters
Collect the indicated DNA Orbs found throughout city to unlock all 15 agents in the game. Each unlockable agent has special enhancements that are unique to them. Note: All DNA Orbs can be collected at the start of the game.
1. Marshall - The Exchange: It is found on a rooftop in the southwest corner.
2. Anderson - Founder's Footsteps: It is found east of the Exchange Station, on the eastern shore.
3. Nikias - Khan's Scar: It is found on the tall southwestern edge of the huge base facing the ocean.
4. Varma - Dumping Grounds: It is found under a greenhouse dome along the shore.
5. Hicks - Picker's Pen: It is found on the eastern side, next to the "Bootleg Bargains" store.
6. Lazar - Sulphur Spits: It is found at the top of the dirt mound in the center of the zone.
7. Petrov - The Refinery: It is found inside the giant statue on the tall pavilion.
8. Schmidt - Ashwood Marina: It is found on one of the glowing red structures near the shoreline.
9. Baresi - Ashwood Marina: It is found on the large overhang above the race track bleachers.
10. Cuan - Ashwood Marina: It is found on the toxic island in the middle of the small lake bordering the race track.
11. Mensah - The Vision: It is found on the tallest building. Climb to the top of it, then look for a smaller structure you can drop down to from above that is not possible to scale.
12. Walker - Southern Heights: Spawn at the Supply Point and look on the shore, past the bridge.
13. Gadise - Southern Heights: It is found on a tall building on the west side of the zone. Climb to the top of the tall Media Center building, then jump to the smaller rooftop from above.
14. Ramos - New Pantheon: At the Terranova HQ Supply Point, turn left and look down to see three buildings far below. Drop down on to the tallest of the three buildings, and cushion your fall with double-jumps to reach the building with the DNA Orb.
15. Bartrom - Oasis Precinct: It is found near the highway tunnel.

Getting three of the best weapons early:
Go to the indicated locations immediately after starting the game to get three of the best weapons in the game. Note: It is recommended to travel to these locations by vehicle and stay on the main roads. If you travel on foot, you can get spotted by enemies and die quickly in certain areas. Additionally, these weapons spawn in multiple locations, but these are some of the easiest areas to reach, especially at the start of the game.
Mass Driver: In the Dumping Grounds, just north of the covered road in the center of the zone, between two billboard signs. The Mass Driver is an explosive chemical weapon.
Homing Rocket: It is found in Picker's Pen, Containment Site. Look in the dumping site base, under the open containers bordering the Dumping Grounds zone. The Homing Rocket shoots tracking rockets.
Decimator: It is found in Picker's Pen, Bootleg's Bargain. Look on the east side of Picker's Pen, in the floating shanty town, behind the bargain store. The Decimator is a special rocket launcher that fires 16 mini-missiles. You can tag enemies multiple times to fire all 16 missiles into multiple (or a single) enemy.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Sleeper Cells Activated (10 points): Advance any Skill to Level 3.
Feeling O.P. Yet? (20 points): Advance any Skill to Level 4.
Force To Be Reckoned With (20 points): Advance any Skill to Level 5.
All The Kills, All The Skills (30 points): Advance all Skills to Level 5.
Secondhand Shrapnel (10 points): Use a Deadeye head shot on a Logistics robot to kill another enemy with the resulting explosion.
Watching The World Burn (20 points): Terminate Katala Vargas, head of TerraNova's Industry division.
Cut Off At The Source (10 points): Terminate Reza Khan, TerraNova's Manufacturing boss.
Toxic Wasteland (20 points): Terminate Djimon Keita, TerraNova's Chemical boss.
Zen And The Art of Payback (20 points): Terminate Kuli Ngata, head of TerraNova's Security division.
Specialist Agent (20 points): Advance any Skill to Maximum Level.
Overkill 101 (20 points): Terminate Liv Sorensen, TerraNova's Enforcer boss.
Systematic Deconstruction (20 points): Terminate Alois Quist, head of TerraNova's Logistics division.
Permanent Pink Slip (10 points): Terminate Wilhelm Berg, TerraNova's Manpower boss.
Humanity FTW (10 points): Terminate ROXY, TerraNova's Monorail boss.
Hostile Takeover (25 points): Terminate Elizabeth Niemand in a game world set at any difficulty level.
#AgentsFightBack (5 points): Clear out your first enemy asset.
Justice Has Been Served (40 points): Neutralize every enemy asset in New Providence in a single world.
Urban Mountaineer (10 points): Reach the top of Elizabeth Niemand's tower.
Lockdown Legend (10 points): Survive Elizabeth Niemand's final Lockdown.
That The Best You Got? (10 points): Defeat an enemy retaliation.
Power To The People (10 points): Mobilize a Civilian Militia.
Rooftop Master (20 points): Successfully complete all Rooftop Races with a single Agent.
Road Master (20 points): Successfully complete all Road Races with a single Agent.
The Ringer (20 points): Drive through every Stunt Ring in New Providence with a single Agent.
Killer Cure for a Pounding Headache (10 points): Demolish 5 enemies with a single Ground Pound.
Bull In a China Shop (10 points): Devastate 5 enemies with a single Flying Fist.
Demolition Derby (5 points): Blow up 5 cars within 5 seconds.
Fists Of BOOM (10 points): Use Melee to kill 5 enemies within 5 seconds.
Shot-Put Show-Off (5 points): Hurl an object other than a grenade at least 300 feet.
Orb Curious (10 points): Collect 100 Orbs of any type with a single Agent.
Orb Obsessed (20 points): Collect 500 Orbs of any type with a single Agent.
Orb Hunter (30 points): Collect every Agility Orb in New Providence with a single Agent.
Orb Master (30 points): Collect every Hidden Orb in New Providence with a single Agent.
Riding In Style (10 points): Obtain the Agency Vehicle.
Foot In The Door (5 points): Unlock your first Supply Point.
High Roller (10 points): Execute a 4 second jump in a vehicle.
Flirting With Disaster (5 points): Drive faster than 100mph for 5 seconds without hitting a wall or another car.
Roads? What Roads? (10 points): Drive the Agency Vehicle Spider Form on a wall above 3000 feet.
Drifting The Night Away (10 points): Sideswipe 10 enemy vehicles using the Agency Vehicle Lightning Form with a single Agent.
Dance, Fools! (10 points): Electrocute 3 enemies at once using the Arc Rifle.
Fun With Gravity (10 points): Catch 3 enemies with the Oblivion or Singularity grenade.
Just Making Sure (10 points): Unload an entire magazine of Decimator missiles on a single enemy.
Circle Of Life (20 points): Collect all Agent DNA Orbs.
Ignition Point Precision (5 points): Blow up a car by shooting or hitting its gas cap.
Come On, Walk It Off! (5 points): Incapacitate an enemy using Deadeye.
Just Getting Started (5 points): Advance any Skill to Level 2.
Corporate Raider (25 points): Terminate Elizabeth Niemand in a game world always set at Legendary difficulty.
Proof Of Life (5 points): Collect your first Agent DNA Orb.
Statues Of Liberty (20 points): Capture all Propaganda Towers in a single world.
Decommissioner (10 points): Complete all Manufacturing Objectives in a single world.
Eco Warrior (20 points): Complete all Chemical Objectives in a single world.
Freerunner (20 points): Complete all Rooftop Races at Silver Level or higher with a single Agent.
Gadget Freak (10 points): Unlock 10 gadgets with a single Agent.
Gold Medalist (10 points): Earn your first Gold Road or Rooftop Race medal.
Gun Collector (10 points): Unlock 10 weapons with a single Agent.
Gun Enthusiast (10 points): Unlock 20 weapons with a single Agent.
Jailbreaker (5 points): Complete a Prisoner Hardpoint.
Liberator (20 points): Complete all Prisoner Hardpoints in a single world.
Party Foul (5 points): Destroy a Monkey Moonshine Kiosk.
Peacemaker (20 points): Complete all Enforcer Objectives in a single world.
Party Police (20 points): Destroy all Monkey Moonshine Kiosks in a single world.
Monomania (20 points): Complete all Monorail Objectives in a single world.
Road Rockstar (25 points): Complete all Road Races at Gold Level with a single Agent.
Road Racer (5 points): Complete your first Road Race at Bronze or higher.
Rooftop Rockstar (25 points): Complete all Rooftop Races at Gold Level with a single Agent.
Rooftop Racer (5 points): Complete your first Rooftop Race at Bronze or higher.
Secret Agent (5 points): Hack a Surveillance Cache.
Silver Medalist (10 points): Earn your first Silver Road or Rooftop Race medal.
Super Sleuth (20 points): Hack all Surveillance Caches in a single world.
Wheelman (20 points): Complete all Road Races at Silver Level or higher with a single Agent.
The following achievements are unlocked in the "Wrecking Zone" multiplayer mode:
That's One! (35 points): Win a match.
Finding Your Rhythm (40 points): Win 20 matches.
A Ton Of Weight (50 points): Reach 100 kills.
Smackdown (25 points): Get a melee kill.
Hunter Gatherer (40 points): Secure 100 badges in Agent Hunter.
Demolition Man (30 points): Deal a large amount of damage to buildings in a single match.
Team Slayer (50 points): Kill an entire team in a single match.
Arms Dealer (50 points): Get a kill with every weapon in a single match.
Hidden Or Dangerous (50 points): Complete a match without dying.
Apex Hunter (45 points): Get MVP (Highest Score on Winning Team) in Agent Hunter.
The Landlord (40 points): Capture 100 Territories.
It's My Island (45 points): Get MVP (Highest Score on Winning Team) in Territories.

View: 3221 times
Updated: 2019.10.22

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