South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Xbox One

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South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Xbox One
Name of the file: South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Xbox One - Author: ANO - [XBOXONE]

Infinite Money:
This exploit should work with any vendor in the game, but just incase it does not, it works at Jimbo's Gun Store. This method also works better the further you are in the story -- since the more progress you make, the bigger your crafting material stacks will be. Complete the following steps to get unlimited money:

1. Sell your entire stack (do not break it up) of crafting materials to the vendor (food, scrap, tech, biohazard, and meds).

2. Go to the Buyback menu, and buy back all the crafting materials you just sold.

3. If you immediately buyback the crafting materials, the vendor will not charge you for the sale.

4. After buying back everything, you will still have the same amount in your wallet as you did right after completing the sale.

5. Sell everything again and buy it back again. Just keep selling and buying back all your crafting materials to earn an unlimited amount of money.

Note: For this exploit to work, you must sell the entire stack of crafting materials and then buy them back without leaving the vendor screen. The larger your stacks, the more money you will earn. Thus, invest in more food, scrap, tech, biohazard, and meds to increase your total payout. Additionally, this glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. It may eventually get patched. To avoid not being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches. You can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the game to install new patches.

Alternate costumes:
The following is a list of how to unlock all costume pieces in the game:


Iron Inventor Mask: Ubisoft Club reward.
Heatwave Headgear: Unlocked when you choose Blaster starting class.
Assassin Hood: Ubisoft Club reward.
C-Cup Headwear: Inside Stan's parents bedroom.
Arachnix Headwear: Get the recipe from Super Craig's garage. Use fire crackers on the gas canister, then throw a fart at it.
Masquerade Mask: On a box on the top shelf inside the Sloppy 2nds store.
Cyberwolf Helmet: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Doom Helmet: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Norse Helm: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Amazing Butthole Hood: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Psy-Ops Helmet: Found in a bag near Chaos' minions next to Tweet Coffee.
Bug Mask: Inside Clyde's Garage. You can find the key inside Raisins, bag next to far right table.
Shark Hood: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Devil Mask: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Arcane Hat: Punch the snowman next to the school.
Hypersonic Headgear: Find and activate all the Fast Travel stations to get it from the Toybox as a reward.
Tank Helmet: Purchase recipe from Jimbo's Gun Shop.
Scarlette Headband: Purchase recipe from City Wok.
Netdeck Helmet: Purchase recipe from Photo Dojo shop.
Boombox Headwear: Purchase recipe from D-Mobile.
Hulking Face: Solve the puzzle inside Cartman's garage. You need the Captain Diabetes buddy power to push over the metal container.
Revenger Headwear: In the chest on top of D-Mobile. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Patriot Helmet: In the chest on top of the building works at South Park Mall. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Amazonian Circlet: In the C.A.F chest on the roof of Jimbo's Guns. You need to use the Fartkour buddy power to get on the top of Skeeter's Wine Bar first.
Tupperware Mk1 Helmet: Obtain from Token's locker at the school. You get the combination from a set of drawers next to Token's bed in Token's house.
Electropunk Headwear: Reward for completing side quest Ghost Reconciler.
Assassin Hood: Ubisoft Club reward.
Majestic Horn: Up a tree at the Playground. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Brainiac Helmet: Reward for defeating Freedom Pals at the Playground during a story mission.
Spiked Headwear: Get the recipe from the chest on the roof of Freeman's Tacos. You need Fartkour to get up there.
Starchild Headwear: Find the recipe inside Kenny's house. In one of the rooms in a set of drawers.
Turbomind Electrodes: In a bag with a group of 6th graders next to the Italian Restaurant.
Paladin Butters' Circlet: Inside Butters' garage. You need Butters' Garage Key to enter, which you obtain after defeating Professor Chaos during a story mission.
Panther Mask: Sodosopa, at the very top of the Fartkour puzzle in this area.
Badger Mask: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Boulder Helmet: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Mach 5 Helmet: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Defender Mask: Inside the Police Station in the Evidence Room. Enter through a vent past the Holding Cells.
Magneteer Headband: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Mesmer Headwear: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Viper Hood: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Mitch Connor Hat: Reward for defeating all of the enemies after Mitch Connor tells you to go to Tweek Bros. Coffee.
Super Guppy Cap: Reach 0.01% in the Economic mini-game to get it from the Toybox as a reward.
Nucleus Mask: Mephesto's Genetics Lab. After the room where The Coon takes the trap door down.


Iron Inventor Suit: Ubisoft Club reward.
Heatwave Suit: Unlocked when you choose Blaster starting class.
Assassin Suit: Ubisoft Club reward.
Arachnix Suit: Get the recipe from Super Craig's garage. Use fire crackers on the gas canister and then throw a fart at it.
Arcane Suit: Inside Henrietta's bedroom. Find a book hidden in the room opposite, return and light the candles with the fire cracker. Then, speak to the smoker.
Cyberwolf Suit: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Doom Suit: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Norse Suit: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Amazing Butthole Suit: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Psy-Ops Suit: Found in a bag near Chaos' minions next to Tweet Coffee.
Yolanda Dress: Inside the girls toilets in the Police Station. Enter through the cubicle in the mens toilets.
Heavenly Suit: Reward for defeating the priests in the back of the church.
Bug Suit: Inside Clyde's Garage. You can find the key inside Raisins; bag next to far right table.
Shark Suit: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Hypersonic Suit: Find and activate all the Fast Travel stations to get it from the Toybox as a reward.
Tank Suit: Purchase recipe from Jimbo's Gun Shop.
Scarlette Suit: Purchase recipe from City Wok.
4D Suit: Outside Crunchy's Micro Brewery to the right. There's a broken down truck. Interact with the winch to drop it, then explode the canister.
Tempest Suit: In the chest behind Henrietta's house. Use the Captain Diabetes buddy power on the metal box with the green bottom next to Jimmy's house.
Supernova Suit: Solve the puzzle in The New Kid's garage. You need Time Fart and the ability to call Captain Diabetes to knock down the metal container.
Netdeck Suit: Purchase the recipe from the Photo Dojo shop.
Lightning Suit: Purchase from Sloppy 2nds store.
Ozone Suit: Purchase from Sloppy 2nds store.
Boombox Suit: Purchase recipe from D-Mobile.
Hulking Suit: Solve the puzzle inside Cartman's garage. Use the Captain Diabetes buddy power to push over the metal container.
Revenger Suit: In the chest on top of D-Mobile. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Patriot Suit: In the chest on top of the building works at South Park Mall. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Raisins Outfit: Reward for completing the final Raisins quest where you have to fight all the staff inside Raisins.
Dirty Candy Suit: Purchase recipe from Raisins.
Amazonian Suit: In the C.A.F chest on the roof of Jimbo's Guns. You need to use the Fartkour buddy power to get on the top of Skeeter's Wine Bar first.
Tupperware Mk1 Suit: Obtain from Token's locker at the school. You get the combination from a set of drawers next to Token's bed in Token's house.
Hotbot Suit: In the C.A.F chest on top of the Community Center. You need TimeFart Pause to get up there. The entrance is through the men's toilets.
Electropunk Suit: Reward for completing side quest Ghost Reconciler.
Assassin Suit: Ubisoft Club reward.
Majestic Suit: Up a tree at the Playground. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Brainiac Helmet: Reward for defeating Freedom Pals at the Playground during a story mission.
Spiked Suit: Get the recipe from the chest on the roof of Freeman's Tacos. You need Fartkour to get up there.
Starchild Suit: Inside one of the rooms in a set of drawers in Kenny's house.
Champion Suit: Inside the U-Stor-It facility. In the backroom inside the safe.
Wasteland Suit: Inside the U-Stor-It facility. The final shed. Just after you fight Chaos' mexican minions.
Chaos Suit: Defeat Professor Chaos in the story.
Turbomind Suit: In a bag with a group of 6th graders next to the Italian Restaurant.
Panther Suit: Sodosopa, at the very top of the Fartkour puzzle in this area.
Feline Costume Set: Successfully complete the "Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats" side quest.
Snowcat Costume Set: Successfully complete the "Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats" side quest.
Crusader Suit: Inside Tweeks Bros Coffee. You need to use the Sandblast buddy power on the pipe hiding behind the large metal object you can push over.
Boulder Suit: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Mach 5 Suit: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Azure Suit: Inside Nicole's Garage. You need Haywire buddy power to access.
Mummy Costume Set: Defeat the boss below the police station during a story mission.
Magneteer Suit: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Mesmer Suit: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Viper Suit: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Super Guppy Suit: Reach 0.01% in the Economic mini-game to get it from the Toybox as a reward.
Nucleus Suit: Mephesto's Genetics Lab. After the room where The Coon takes the trap door down.


Heatwave Gloves: Unlocked when you choose Blaster starting class.
Assassin Gloves: Ubisoft Club reward.
Cyberwolf Gloves: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Doom Gloves: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Amazing Butthole Gloves: Learned from Morgan Freeman in Freeman's Tacos.
Psy-Ops Gloves: Found in a bag near Chaos' minions next to Tweet Coffee.
Heavenly Gloves: Reward for defeating the priests in the back of the church.
Hypersonic Gloves: Find and activate all the Fast Travel stations to get it from the Toybox as a reward.
Tank Gloves: Purchase recipe from Jimbo's Gun Shop.
Scarlette Wristbands: Purchase recipe from City Wok.
Tempest Gloves: In the chest behind Henrietta's house. Use the Captain Diabetes buddy power on the metal box with the green bottom next to Jimmy's house.
Supernova Gloves: Solve the puzzle in The New Kid's garage. You need Time Fart and the ability to call Captain Diabetes to knock down the metal container.
Netdeck Gloves: Purchase recipe from Photo Dojo shop.
Ozone Gloves: Purchase from Sloppy 2nds store.
Boombox Gloves: Purchase recipe from D-Mobile.
Hulking Fist: Solve the puzzle inside Cartmans garage. You need the Captain Diabetes buddy power to push over the metal container.
Revenger Wristbands: In the chest on top of D-Mobile. You need the Fartkour buddy power to get up there.
Dirty Candy Gloves: Purchase recipe from Raisins.
Amazonian Bracers: In the C.A.F chest on the roof of Jimbo's Guns. You need to use the Fartkour buddy power to get on the top of Skeeter's Wine Bar first.
Electropunk Gloves: Reward for completing side quest Ghost Reconciler.
Assassin Gloves: Ubisoft Club reward.
Brainiac Gloves: Reward for defeating Freedom Pals at the Playground during a story mission.
Spiked Gloves: Get the recipe from the chest on the roof of Freeman's Tacos. You need Fartkour to get up there.
Turbomind Gloves: In a bag with a group of 6th graders next to the Italian Restaurant.
Panther Gloves: Sodosopa, at the very top of the Fartkour puzzle in this area.
Arcane Gloves: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Boulder Bracers: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Mach 5 Gloves: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Smash Gloves: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Azure Gloves: Inside Nicole's Garage. You need Haywire buddy power to access.
Magneteer Bracelets: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Viper Blades: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Super Guppy Gloves: Reach 0.01% in the Economic mini-game to get it from the Toybox as a reward.


Hawk Eye Mask: Defeat Human Kit #2 in Kyle's house during a story mission.
Square Glasses: Upstairs in Big Gay Al's house.
Librarian Glasses: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Shark Glasses: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Arcane Eye Mask: Inside a birds next on the far left of the Community Center.
Robber Mask: Reward for killing the Drug Dealer in the police mission.
Mental Eye Mask: Reward for killing the Freedom Pals during story.
4D Glasses: Outside Crunchy's Micro Brewery to the right. There's a broken down truck. Interact with the winch to drop it, then explode the canister.
Lightning Mask: Purchase from Sloppy 2nds store.
Ozone Glasses: Purchase from Sloppy 2nds store.
Hipster Glasses: In the C.A.F chest near Kenny's house. You need the Farkour buddy power to reach it.
Monocle: Reward for defeating the Kingpin in the second police mission.
Cloth Strip Mask: Inside a storage shed at the U-Stor-It facility. It's at the end of the area.
Wasteland Shades: Inside the U-Stor-It facility. The final shed. Just after you fight Chaos' mexican minions.
Filter Mask: Defeat the Meth Heads during a story mission.
Mach 5 Glasses: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Owl Eye Mask: Purchase from the Coon Store at the bottom of the stairs in Cartman's basement.
Eyepatch: Inside Kevin Stoley's garage. You need the Haywire buddy power to get inside.
Viper Eyes: Purchase from the Freedom Pals vendor in their base.
Super Guppy Goggles: Reach 0.01% in the Economic mini-game to get it from the Toybox as a reward.


Goth Bangs: Inside Henrietta's bedroom. Find a book hidden in the room opposite, return and light the candles with the fire cracker. Then, speak to the smoker.
Power Pomp: Reward from the Toybox.
Twilight Curls: Reward from the Toybox.
Oiled: Town Square. There's a hidden box behind the stairs on the right that lead to the podium.
Yolanda Wig: Inside the girls toilets in the Police Station. Enter through the cubicle in the mens toilets.
Spunky: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Wavy Pary: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Sultry Waves: Inside the Peppermint Hippos dressing rooms, on top of the lockers.
Wavy Flow: Inside a locked police car outside the Police Station. The keys are inside Peppermint Hippo. Enter the dressing room, and look in the utility closet at the end.
Curly Poof: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Fierce Bob: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Receding Pomp: Reward from the Toybox.
Scarlette Bun: Reward from the Toybox.
Tempest Shag: Reward from the Toybox.
Fierce Streaks: Ubisoft Club reward.
Curled Mess: Reward from the Toybox.
Side Braid: Reward from the Toybox.
Choir Boy: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Cracked Bowl: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Disturbed: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Fro Mullet: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Ravaged: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Crusader Cowl: Inside Tweeks Bros Coffee. You need to use the Sandblast buddy power on the pipe hiding behind the large metal object you can push over.
Dirty Candy Hair: Reward from the Toybox.

Facial Hair

Chin Sack: Inside the bathroom in Butters' house.
Curly Sanchez: Inside Freeman's Tacos. Use the Firecracker buddy power on the cactus.
Chinpubes: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
The Strap: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Thin Goat: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Wizard Beard: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Undercover Mustache: Inside a locked police car outside the Police Station. The keys are inside Peppermint Hippo. Enter the dressing room, and look in the utility closet at the end.
Bohdi Goatee: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Beaded Beard: Found behind the counter in MFC. Use the Time Fart buddy power to enter.
Pencil Stache: Inside Chaos' garage (behind the clock) at the U-Stor-It facility.
The Vizier: Reward from defeating the Ninja's in Story mode.

Base Makeup

Stars: Inside Jimmy's house in the bathroom.
Hawk Paint: Reward from the Toybox.
Target: Reward from the Toybox.
Eye Flames: Reward for completing the fight against the strippers.
Spider Web: Reward from the Toybox.
Face Tendrils: In the U-Stor-It facility. During the second night time mission, look in the shed underneath the two ladders after the Fartkour part.
Predator Streaks: Inside a Post Office Lock Box. The key is inside Jimbo's Fishing Box at the far left of Starks Pond South. You need to get past the teenagers left of the school to get there.
Monk Dots: When you are crawling through the vents in a story mission, it can be found inside a chest in the Police Station.
Prison Tat: Follow the rat during the story mission where you invade to find it inside the Police Station.

Accent Makeup

Eyeliner: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Feathered Lashes: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Thin Eyeliner: Purchase from Bebe's Fashion Shop in Bebe's house.
Ancient Wrinkles: Purchase from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
Butt Chin: Purchase from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
High Cheekbones: Purchase from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
Jowls: Purchase from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
Mole: Purchase from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
Valiant Scar: In a bag to the left of the school, near the 6th graders. You need the Diabetes Rush buddy power to get there.
Traumatized: Ubisoft Club reward.
Warrior Stripes: In Cartman's garden. The chest on top of the fort.
Scar Wound: Inside the C.A.F chest in Kenny's garden. It can be accessed during the second night mission with Toolshed. Move the BBQ and make it explode to clear the fence.
Claw Marks: Reward from defeating the cats in Mephesto's Genetics Lab.

Fighting Morgan Freeman:
To fight Morgan Freeman, you must be playing as a white character. He does not fight black characters. You can change your skin color using PC Principial in Crunchy's Micro Brew in the north-west of South Park. This can also be done after completing the story. Go to Freeman's Tacos on the Main Street. Get behind the counter by pressing X on the left side of the shop. Then, attack Morgan Freeman from behind to start the boss fight. He is a very tough boss with 9,999 health and can charm your allies to fight for him. He also summons a few minions during the fight. Since this boss fight lasts a long time, it is recommended to equip the Plantmancer's class "Nature's Gift" ultimate power. It allows you to revive all your allies and heal them. Always use this move as soon as the ultimate meter is full. Some good characters to use for this fight are Callgirl (she can attack at any range), Mosquito (he can self-heal with each hit), and Fastpass (he can turn invisible so can stay alive for longer). It is recommended to only attempt this after completing the story since it is too hard before then. Defeat Morgan Freeman to get the "Farts Over Freckles" trophy.

Finding Mr. and Mrs. Hankey:
To find Mr. and Mrs. Hankey, you need the Sandblaster buddy ability. This ability is unlocked by progressing through the story. Go to the South Park Community Center and enter the ladies' room on the left. Move the trash and break the wall with a firecracker, then use the Sandblaster ability on the open pipe to clear the giant turd and reveal Mr. Hankey. He will have a lot to say. Take a picture with Mr. Hankey to become friends, and obtain the "Randy's Colon Creation" mission item. To find Mrs. Hankey, go to Randy's house and use the Sandblaster ability on another pipe down the hill near the bathroom door. You have to crack the wall with a firecracker. Inside the bathroom is Mrs. Hankey and another mission item. Take a picture with her to become friends.

All combat farts:
There are four combat farts in the game. The first three are unmissable story progression unlocks. The last one, Summon Fart, is unlocked at the end of Day 4. The Summon Fart creates a duplicate of yourself. First, go to Freeman's Tacos and buy the "Chocolate Memberito" recipe for $30. You can do this after completing the story. The three ingredients required to craft it can be obtained by doing the following:

Ingredient #1 - Tortilla: It can be bought from Freeman's Tacos for $0.25.

Ingredient #2 - Ms. Catman's Double Stuffed Brownies: Go to Cartman's house and talk to Ms. Cartman in the kitchen. Complete her "Vigilante Marketing" side quest. It is a very easy one-step quest and waypoint markers will guide you through it. Ms. Cartman gives you the ingredient as a quest reward.

Ingredient #3 - Bucket of Memberberry Juice: Go to Skeeter's Wine Bar in the north-west of South Park. Fartkour up the roof, push the dynamite to the right, and blow it up. This will make the ventilator fall down and reveal a crank on the ground level. Grab the crank and travel to Hillvale Farm. Use the crank at Hillvale Farm to make wine from berries.

Finally, craft the Chocolate Memberito in the crafting menu to get the Summon Fart combat fart and get the "Fully Bloated" trophy.

All summons:
There are four summons in the game, which summon a character during battle to assist you by healing your team or attacking enemies. The first two summons (Moses + Classi) are unmissable and unlocked through progression in the story. The other two summons are unlocked by completing the "Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found" and "For Nippopolis" side quests. Complete the following tasks to unlock the final two summons. Note: You can still get the last two summons after competing the story.

Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found: To start this side quest, go to Jimbo's Gun Shop on the northern street of South Park on Day 2 or later. Jimbo will say he lost his wallet. He wants you to get it back from the Peppermint Hippo Strip Club you have been to the night before (Night 1). Go to the Strip Club and get Jimbo's Wallet from the table to the left of the dance pole. Take the wallet back to Jimbo to unlock Jimbo and Ned as a summons.

For Nippopolis: To reach the starting point of this side quest, you must have unlocked Kyle (Human Kite) as your buddy skill. Go to SoDoSoPa in the south-east corner of the map. On the building behind a broken car is a small fan, which lets you summon Kyle to use his Fartkour skill. Follow the indicated path in the game to find Kyle's Dad, Gerald Broflovski. Gerald will be spaced out on cat urine, just like in one of the episodes in the series. Give him a Cheesing vial to complete the quest and unlock Gerald as a summons. It is likely you will already have one in your inventory since you can find multiple vials throughout the game in loot chests, bags, etc. If you do not have a vial, you can find one in the forest near Starks Pond, in the west of South Park.

"To Catch A Coon" quest riddle solutions

In the "To Catch A Coon" quest, you have to solve multiple Mitch Conner riddles. Cartman (in disguise) will give you multiple riddles that are always related to a location in South Park. Once you find the correct area, you will get a call with the next riddle. The following are all areas you must travel, in order:

Riddle #1: Go to Tweek Bros. Coffee
Riddle #2: Go to Jimbo's Gun Store
Riddle #3: Go to the Park (Basketball Court/Jungle Gym)
Riddle #4: Go to South Park Community Center

You will have to fight ninjas and other random enemies as you progress toward the final boss battle at the end of the quest. There is no fast travel, so you must travel on foot during the entire quest.

Tom Brady Easter Egg:
You will find a variety of keypads throughout the game. Instead of simple numerical codes, each number is usually matched with a word. Typing in the code enters a short, three word phrase. Thus, a lot of codes can be guessed early if you know the show well. If you attempt to enter codes before the proper quest or clues are revealed, Cartman will appear, dressed as Tom Brady, and insult you by telling you to play the game.

US/Canada Wall Easter Egg:
To see the giant US/Canada border wall, go up to the farm in the top-right corner of South Park, past the U-Stor-It. After defeating Professor Chaos, the farm is available to explore. There will be a farmer that will not let you past. Move far right, then use the TimeFart ability to pause time and move the memberberry bushel to block his path. You can then continue toward the Canadian border. Proceed through the forest, which has a memberberry and a missing cat collectible, to find the giant wall. There is nothing to interact with here, but the Canadian on the high wall will taunt you from above while "Blame Canada" chiptunes play.

Easy "Divine Wind" trophy:
You gain access to SoDoSoPa on Day 3 of the story. You can still return after completing the story. There is a wind wheel you can inspect and use your buddy Human Kite to Fartkour up the lofts by the homeless camp. You need to Fartkour multiple times to get to the top. Once at the top, talk to Human Kite again to Fartkour back to the bottom and get the "Divine Wind" trophy.

Easy "Pick Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps" trophy:
You gain access to SoDoSoPa on Day 3 of the story. You can still return after completing the story. There is some money on the floor and other objects you can loot. Carefully look behind every tent and look for the money on the ground. It can be hard to see so walk very slowly and keep pressing X. You do not need to Fartkour up the tower to collect loot. You only need the loot on the ground level directly in the homeless camp.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Stop, Drop and Roll (15 points): Win a combat by using TimeFart Pause to kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumes.
The Token Experience (85 points): Create a Black character and complete the game on Mastermind Difficulty.
Fully Bloated (30 points): Unlock all combat TimeFarts.
Fashionista (15 points): Find 10 costume pieces.
Junksmith (30 points): Craft 10 distinct recipes.
Death Dodger (30 points): Keep an Ally alive for an entire combat while they take twice their max Health in damage.
Deep Seated Power (90 points): Obtain and equip Artifacts to reach 600 Might.
Class Warfare (15 points): Equip powers from 2 different classes.
Toxic Environment (15 points): Loot 100 Biohazard items.
Corporate Wolf (15 points): Reach the highest economic value on your Character Sheet.
#followbacks (30 points): Become mutual followers with 10 people in South Park.
Last Kid Standing (30 points): Win while 3 Allies are downed at the end of combat.
Titleist (15 points): Reach the highest rank on 1 title in your Character Sheet.
Cosplay Curious (30 points): Wear costume pieces from 3 different sets at once.
Master Classed (15 points): Equip powers from 4 different classes.
Epic Artificer (15 points): Craft an Artifact with a Might value of 75 or more.
Glitch of Death (30 points): Use TimeFart Glitch to cause a status-effected enemy to lose their turn and die at turn's end.
Big Knocker (30 points): Kill an enemy by knocking another enemy into them.
Character Sheet Elite (90 points): Reach the highest rank on 5 titles in your Character Sheet.
Master Manipulator (30 points): Confuse or charm an enemy into defeating another enemy.
Friend Finder (30 points): Acquire and unlock all Summons.

Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements:

Crappin' Forte (15 points): Use every available toilet in South Park and achieve the highest mastery level for each.
Boy Love Aficionado (90 points): Find all Yaoi art pieces.
An End to Racism (15 points): Stop racism in South Park.
Orgy of Power (15 points): Use all Allies' Ultimate powers once during the game, except the Coon's.
Farts over Freckles (30 points): Pick a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him.
Pasta of Prophets (15 points): Craft a macaroni picture for Moses.
Divine Wind (15 points): Successfully Fartkour to the Lofts at SoDoSoPa rooftop and back down again.
Chaos Controlled (15 points): Foil the plans of Professor Chaos.
Call in a Favor (15 points): Use a Summon.
Invasive Tumor Removal (15 points): Defeat Mutant Cousin Kyle.
Through the Bowels of Time (30 points): Survive the farts of future past.
Diabetes Defender (15 points): Defend a helpless child from a drunk lunatic.
Potty Trained (15 points): Use a toilet and achieve the highest mastery level.
Pick Yourself up by Your Bootstraps (15 points): Collect all loot in the Homeless Camp at SoDoSoPa.

View: 12079 times
Updated: 2019.11.13

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Comments (1)


thanks from Sept 2020!


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