Name of the file: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Xbox One - Author: ANO - [XBOXONE] |
Getting Double-Bladed Lightsaber Elary: Follow the main story on Bogano, until you reach the text in the Ancient Vault. Your next destination will be Dathomir. From the landing site on Dathomir, go right until you climb the ivy on the cliff wall. Go right and up until you climb back onto a cliffside. Next, go right and climb the two steps until you find an interior passage. Wall-run and jump inside, and climb more ivy up to an abandoned camp. At the top, immediately turn right and follow the path around to the large temple entrance doors. Be careful of the Nightbrothers inside. Proceed forward, swing across the gap, and take the ramp up. Instead of going forward at the top, turn and follow the upper walkway backwards until you reach a room with a campfire and stairs leading up. Go left at the fork, and enter another room with a campfire. In that room, wall-run and jump onto a branch, and use it to reach the upper level. Then, run by two doors and drop down through the left doorway. In the outdoor area, jump to a wall of ivy and onto a stone platform with a man in a black robe. Turn around, drop down, and enter a nearby hallway with a workbench. Use this workbench to change your lightsaber into a Double-Bladed Lightsaber, just like Darth Maul. Hacking Security Droids: On Kashyyk (third planet), after the Security Droid boss, you will free the Wookies from their prison. On the exterior walkway outside the prison block, look to the right to see a locked door and hanging rope. Jump to the rope and swing to the second rope, leading to a raised alcove and upgrade station. Use it to upgrade BD-1 with a hacking module, allowing you to take over damaged Security Droids. After doing enough damage to Security Droids, a prompt will appear allowing you to take control of them. This upgrade is easy to miss during your first visit to Kashyyk. It is not required, but it does make future encounters against large numbers of enemies much easier. Security Droids are common on Imperial Bases, and you will sometimes have to deal with waves of enemies from landing craft. Security Droids are also an easy way to distract enemies. Force and Health Essence locations: Search the indicated locations to find Life and Force Essences. Collect three of each to increase your maximum force or health meters. Bogano Force Essence 1: Use Force Slow on the fan-blades to enter the room with a bunch of spinning fans. Use Force Slow again on the floor-blades to cross over and get the first essence. Life Essence 1: Near the fan-blade chamber is a dark passage blocked by bars. Cut through them, and follow the path to an optional boss. This creature is too difficult for your first visit. Return later when you are stronger. It guards a life essence. Life Essence 2: From the Subterranean Refuge checkpoint, proceed down the path that leads to a narrow pass you must wall-run and jump up. At the top, turn around and wall-run and jump to the swinging vines to reach a hidden alcove. Force Essence 2: At the Abandoned Workshop, climb up the vines from the water and use the Scomp Link upgrade to hack the door and get the essence on the other side. Zeffo Force Essence 3: From the Crash Site, go to the left raised platform and use Overcharge to disable the red shield. Squeeze through to reach a tall circular room. Follow the stairs up to a narrow path that leads to a mini-boss arena -— proceed down the dark path to a puzzle room. Cut the electricity wire to cross the water and reach a lift that leads to an essence. Life Essence 3: In the Crash Site, locate the dark cave with three smashers. Once you have the Overcharge upgrade, activate the smashers and use Force Slow to jump the gaps and reach the essence. Life Essence 4: In the Tomb Of Miktrull, you will reach a series of circular platforms. Land on the platform with the vine wall you need to ride, and push an exploded plant into the cracked wall to reveal the location. Force Essence 4: In the Spire Of Miktrull, in the third level of the central section, enter the side-passage with a gate. Use Force Push to get a fire lantern, then throw it up and above the lowered gate to burn through the vines. Kashyyk Force Essence 5: At the Imperial Refinery checkpoint above where giant spiders are fighting stormtroopers below, proceed to the raised cliff where a stormtrooper is shooting. There is a narrow passage there that leads to the essence and an optional boss. Life Essence 5: Proceed up the path that connects the Shadowlands to the Overground Pass, which is where you can push the pipe down to create a shortcut. The shortcut is located right after the room with a Purge Trooper and multiple other troopers guarding the Wookie prison block. Force Essence 6: In the Forest Trench area, right near the landing pad, return to the room where you get the BD-1 Overcharge upgrade. Ride the zip-line up to the essence once you unlock the ascender. Health Stim upgrade locations: Search the indicated locations to find special chests to upgrade the amount of Health Stims BD-1 can carry. Bogano 1. On the ship landing pad, look for a ramp leading down. In the room below is a metal doorway that can only be opened with Force Push. Use Force Push to roll the metal ball into the slot to open the gate. 2. In the Subterranean Refuge area, reach the circular shaped, shaft-like room that you need to wall-run and jump to the top of. In what looks like a dead-end corner at the top is a large platform you can Force Pull down to reach the chest. Zeffo 3. From the main entrance to the Imperial Dig Site (from the Imperial Base), take the elevator down, then use Force Pull to cross the swinging vines. There will be a passage down below where you can swing, jump to a wind tunnel, and ride up to a rope. It leads up to a cliff connected to the Ice Caves with the chest. 4. Enter the Venator Wreckage from the upper Crash Site —- it is only available once you get the Double Jump move. Inside the huge Venator, climb to the top to access a room with multiple treasure chests. The Health Stim chest is on the cliff outside. 5. From the checkpoint at the Ice Caves, look for a hanging rope you can only reach with Force Pull. Swing across two ropes to land on a ledge with a Health Stim chest. 6. At the Imperial Dig Site, return with the ascender. Above a zip-line is a platform you can drop down onto mid-zip. Land on the platform and enter the hidden room to find a Health Stim chest. Kashyyk 7. In the Origin Lake area, swim into the water near a checkpoint (on a wooden Wookie floor) and dive under. Swim through the sunken landing ship and use double-jump to bounce up two pads to reach the hidden Health Stim chest. Dathomir 8. At the entrance to the Nightmare Ruins, go right and wall-run into a small arena where a beast spawns. There is a wall in this arena you can climb that leads up to a long branch. Walk along the branch to reach a cliff's edge with a Health Stim chest. Secret areas: Search the indicated location to find the corresponding hidden area: Broken Wing area: The Broken Wing is located at the Crash Site on Zeffo. When you arrive at the crashed Clone Wars Star Destroyer, look on the left side for a big monster. Climb onto the wreckage above the monster, then Overcharge the panel to disable the forcefield generator. Squeeze through the opening to enter the Broken Wing area. This area has an optional mini-boss and puzzle. To solve the puzzle, cut the wires in the water with your lightsaber to make it safe to swim across. Venator Wreckage area: The Venator Wreckage is a huge secret area you can also find at the Crash Site on Zeffo. Use the Double Jump ability to reach the interior. Climb up the center-back area and through the large engines. Pass through the tunnel guarded by Probe Droids to reach the hidden area. The Venator Wreckage contains multiple layers and floors you can climb through. There are minor puzzles to solve, as well as high-level enemies inside. This is one of the most unique locations in the game, and it is completely optional. Complete it to enter a treasure room with 5-6 chests inside. There is also a Health Stim chest outside on the cliff. Recommended skills: It is recommended to unlock the following two skill first: Survival Skills: Cal's maximum life increased. Superior Blocking: Cal's defenses are improved, allowing him to take less block damage from incoming attacks. These two skills are important for surviving early in the game. Later, you can take Enhanced Survival Skills and Force Attunement to further enhance Cal's abilities. The following skills are recommended next: Dash Strike: Cal dashes forward and attacks his target. Jump while dashing to flip over the target instead. Empowered Slow: Holding Slow allows Cal to slow his target for a longer duration. These offensive abilities are very useful. Dash Strike (and Sprint Strike) make things easier in difficult combat situations, as they can blast through enemy shields. It is especially useful when trying to deal with the Nightbrothers on Dathomir. Empowered Slow makes Slow even better. Slow is a great ability in combat for controlling waves of enemies -- just shoot an enemy with Slow to be able to defeat them quickly. It is recommended to start with the Survival Tree. Improved Stims and everything in the Survival Tree should be your priority on higher difficulty levels, and unlocking these skills will make defeating harder enemies and bosses easier. Achievements: Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Kicking Back (10 points): Kick a phillak that has kicked you. Collector (100 points): Collect all chests and secrets. Legendary Beasts (50 points): Defeat four mysterious creatures. Feel the Force (100 points): Unlock all Jedi skills. A Galaxy Far, Far Away (50 points): Complete all of BD-1's holomaps. Back At You (10 points): Defeat 50 enemies with reflected blaster bolts. Perfect Timing (10 points): Parry 100 enemies. Kickoff (10 points): Defeat an enemy using only kicks. Triple Take (10 points): Defeat 3 enemies using a single lightsaber throw. What Goes Around... (10 points): Defeat an enemy with their own Slowed blaster bolt. Big Bang (10 points): Defeat 20 enemies with explosives. Don't Mess With BD-1 (10 points): Defeat an enemy with a hacked droid. Can't Touch This (50 points): Precision Evade 100 attacks. Look Out Below (10 points): Send 25 enemies over the edge. Not So Fast (10 points): Defeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow. Bank Shot (10 points): Defeat an enemy by colliding them with another enemy. Cal Got Your Tongue? (10 points): Slice an oggdo's tongue. Medical Droid (25 points): Find all of BD-1's stim canisters. Green Thumb (25 points): Have a fully grown terrarium. Full House (20 points): Recruit all possible crew members for the Mantis. Data Disk (20 points): Find all of BD-1's encrypted logs. Sabersmith (10 points): Fully customize your lightsaber. The Full Glow-Up (10 points): Customize the look of Cal, BD-1, and the Mantis. Data Collector (25 points): Scan all enemy types. Echo Location (20 points): Discover 75 Force Echoes. Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements: Trust Only In The Force (50 points): Complete the story. The Mantis (25 points): Join the crew. A Long Time Ago (25 points): Discover the Bogano Vault. The Obstacle is the Way (25 points): Complete the Tomb of Eilram. Everything is Connected (25 points): Complete the Tomb of Miktrull. The Holocron Awaits (25 points): Open the Vault. Happy Go Wookiee (25 points): Free the Wookiees from Imperial imprisonment. Her Name Was Masana Tide (25 points): Defeat the Ninth Sister. Visiting Alderaan Places (25 points): Explore the crashed Venator. Gorgara Falls (25 points): Defeat the winged terror on Dathomir. For A More Civilized Age (25 points): Craft a lightsaber of your own. I Knew He Was No Good (25 points): Defeat a former Jedi Master. Blade Master (25 points): Hit a single enemy with all lightsaber types. Scum and Villainy (25 points): Defeat each type of Bounty Hunter. |
View: 11672 times |
Updated: 2019.12.08 |
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