The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth - Nintendo Switch

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The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth - Nintendo Switch
Nom du fichier : The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth - Nintendo Switch - Auteur : ANO - [NINTENDO]

Exchange hearts for Devil power-ups at least three times in a run.

Possess at least 55 pennies at any point during a run.

Cheat Codes
Display the Seed entry prompt at the "Character Select" menu. Then, enter one of the following seed codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes may delete your saved game file.

Effect Code
30 minute limit 30M1 N1TS
All enemies have permanently feared FEAR M1NT
All floors have the basement room tile set BASE MENT
All items except troll bombs mimic Issac's movement KEEP AWAY
Asocial enemies CLST RPH0
Axis aligned controls AX1S ALGN
Big head mode T0PH EAVY
Black body PTCH BLCK
CRT display B00B T00B
Camouflage enemies CAM0 F0ES
Camouflage player CAM0 K1DD
Camouflage stuff CAM0 DR0P
Can destroy rocks NFB8 3WSG
Cathode rays! B00B T00B
Champion enemies CHAM P10N
Character and tears turn black PTCH BLCK
Character leaves fecal trail BRWN SNKE
Character only visible as brown shadow CAM0 K1DD
Character takes double damage HARD HARD
Charmed enemies C0CK FGHT
Christmas CHRS TMAS
Concussive enemies that move randomly C0NF ETT1
Confused enemies C0NF ETT1
Cowardice C0WR D1CE
Damage on a timer THEG H0ST
Dog Mode ALM1 GHTY
Don't stop moving D0NT ST0P
Doors open immediately, tears are harmless; Boss's health act as timers PAC1 F1SM or PAC1 F1ST
Downtempo-- LARG HET0
Downtempo ANDA NTE
Dyslexia DYSL EX1A
Easier game 1337 HAXR
Eligible enemies become champions CHAM P10N
Enemies become feared randomly FRAI DN0T
Enemies fight each other C0CK FGHT orCLST RPH0
Enemies only visible as brown shadows CAM0 F0ES
Enemies respawn when character leaves room; new items do not drop C0ME BACK
Enemies respawn C0ME BACK
Escape the Labyrinth THRE AD
Extra Gore BL00 00DY
F2P version FREE 2PAY
Farty sounds FART SNDS
Forever Unknown VNKN 0WN
Full heart damage HARD HARD
Glowing tears TEAR GL0W
Grayscale KAPP A
Grey character KAPP A
Heal the Blind BRA1 LLE
Health tempo HART BEAT
Hopelessly Lost L0ST
Horrible Curse CVRS ED
I once was Lost F0VN D
Ice Physics 1CES KATE
Illuminate Darkness N1TE L1TE
Incurable Blindness BL1ND
Inescapable Labyrinth LABY RNTH
Infinite Basements BASE MENT
Invisible character except for surrounding light effect 1MN0 B0DY
Invisible enemies BL1N DEYE
Invisible enemies BL1N DEYE
Invisible player 1MN0 B0DY
Jumbled in-game text DYSL EX1C
Kids' co-op mode K1DS M0DE
Know the Unknown N0W1 KN0W
Large pools of blood when enemies die BL00 00DY
Load screen always displays "Are You Sure You Want Me To Die?" 1TEN DSHE or SUPA SWAG
Movement tempo SL0W 4ME2
Mystery cards FACE D0WN
Mystery pills MED1 C1NE
Pacifism PAC1 F1SM
Permanent Darkness DARK NESS
Pickups time out G0NE S00N
Pill names and descriptions appear as ??? MED1 C1NE
Point of no return N0RE TVRN
Poopy Trail BRWN SNKE
Reversed controls DRAW KCAB
Reversed controls DRAW KCAB
Scaredy enemies FEAR M1NT
Skittish enemies FRA1 DN0T
Slow motion while character is idle; music speed altered with movement speed SL0W 4ME2
Sound effects replaced with farts FART SNDS
Start with 69 coins and have to purchase all items and pickups FREE 2PAY or PAY2 PLAY
Stay out of the Maze PATH F1ND
Take damage when idle D0NT ST0P
Tarot cards are face down when collected FACE D0WN
The lower your health, the slower the music HART BEAT
Ticking starts every 45 seconds, after 5 seconds character takes half heart of damage THEG H0ST
Tiny head mode T1NY D0ME
Total curse Immunity BLCK CNDL
Tricky pickups KEEP AWAY
Twelve heart damage BRTL B0NS
Unending Maze MAZE
Uptempo++ PRES T0
Uptempo ALLE GR0

Easy items
This trick requires the Blank Card (from defeating Isaac in the Cathedral with Eden), Jera Rune (from completing the "High Brow" challenge), and the D20 (from defeating ??? in the Chest with Isaac). Having the D6 (from defeating Isaac in the Cathedral with ???) is also helpful. Start by finding a room that has at least one battery on the ground. Alternately, spawn them with the 48 Hour Energy pill. Remove all other items from the room. Use charges from somewhere else to copy those batteries with the Blank Card and Jera until you have at least three of them. Use batteries from the room to copy batteries for a net gain. Keep doing this until the room is filled with batteries to virtually have infinite charges for any activated item. Then, obtain a Judgement card (from Wheel Of Fortune cloning, Tarot Deck, etc.). Use the Blank Card and Jera in a new room to copy a large number of Judgement cards. Go to another new room, and copy a large number of coins, keys and hearts. Note: Try spawning a few Beggars and bombing them. Use the resources in this room to refill when required. If you need a D20, use the Judgement cards to spawn Beggars and farm them until you get one from a Key Beggar chest. Finally, use the following four steps to complete the process:

1. Fill the largest room available with items such as coins. A room is considered full when it starts replacing old items with new ones.

2. Use the D20 to reroll the items, open all the chests, pick up any passive items, pills, and other helpful objects and repeat. Avoid collecting items that are not needed.

3. Once a D6 drops, repeat the steps in a smaller room to get a few activated items. Swap any activated items that you want to keep elsewhere.

4. Reroll the items in the main room with the D6, collect anything desired, and repeat the process. Use the D20 to refill as needed.

Complete two consecutive floors without picking up any hearts (of any kind)

Possess a combination of at least four Soul/Black Hearts at any point during a run.

In Greed Mode, defeat Ultra Greed while playing as Azazel.

Possess seven or more Red Heart Containers at any point during a run.

New Items
By fulfilling certain conditions, you'll receive a notification that a new item (or items) have been unlocked. Any items unlocked this way have a chance of randomly appearing during subsequent runs, such as in shops or as rewards for beating bosses.

Item How to unlock
A Quarter Defeat Mom's Heart for the eighth time.
Ball of Bandages Defeat Mom for the first time.
Black Candle Donate 150 Coins to the Donations Box.
Blue Map Donate 10 Coins to the Donations Box.
Book of Revelations Defeat a Harbinger for the first time.
Cube of Meat Defeat Mom for the first time.
Dr. Fetus Defeat Mom's Heart for the ninth time.
Experimental Treatment Defeat Mom's Heart for the seventh time.
Head of Krampus Defeat Krampus for the first time.
Ipecac Defeat Mom's Heart for the sixth time.
Little C.H.A.D. Defeat C.H.A.D. for the first time.
Little Chubby Complete The Caves (or equivalent level) for the first time.
Little Gish Defeat Gish for the first time.
Mom's Knife Defeat Satan as Isaac.
Monstro's Tooth Complete The Basement (or equivalent level) for the first time.
Razor Blade Defeat Satan as Eve.
Red Candle Donate 400 Coins to the Donations Box.
Rubber Cement Defeat Mom's Heart for the second time.
The Book of Sin Defeat each one of the Deadly Sin enemies.
The Halo Defeat either Mom or Mom's Heart by activating The Bible.
There's Options Donate 50 Coins to the Donations Box.
Transcendence Defeat Mom's Heart for the third time.
Wire Coat Hanger Defeat Mom's Heart for the fourth time.

Complete two consecutive floors without taking any damage.

Switch Exclusives
A lot of people have been asking about this things. They normally make theories and sometimes say the truth, but here I have discovered how to unlock these. It takes determination and skills (for real) 'cause this is HARD.

Unlockable How to unlock
Afterbirth + bosses and champion variants Defeat The Lamb
Apollyon Defeat Mega Satan
Burning Basement Defeat Mom's Heart 11 times.
Greedier Mode Donate 500 coins to the Greed Machine

Vue : 1781 fois
Mise à jour : 2020.08.16

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