Atlantis 3 Walkthrough

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Atlantis 3 Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Atlantis 3 Walkthrough - Auteur : SNO - [PC]

Atlantis 3 for PC complete walkthrough
Introduction: The story line goes: Peru year 2018. Watch the video clip.

Hogar, two years later.
The heroin has an accident and she finds herself in the desert next to a
In the inventory (right button) you have a small stick and a disk.
Use the escape button to cut off dialogs but be aware that you may miss
important info if you do this.

Chapter 1
>From where you stand go straight then left until she says: ?It must be here?
Go to the guard, but don?t talk to him. (He will not say much except that you
must leave)
Turn around. There will be three roads. One left, one middle (through which you
came), and one right.
Through the right road you can reach a cliff (dead end) from which you can
observe the well and some constructions.
Instead take the left road.
You reach another crossroad: Back (from where you came), left (you have the
right of a nice video clip), and right (another road). Go on the right road and
you get to another crossroad.
Take the right road to reach some iron tent. Then go back and take the left one
to get to the cave entrance.
Inside the cave you will find lots of machinery.
Look to your feet.
On the ground you see some bizarre drawings.
Use the disk from your inventory with the ground.
Use the little stick with the disk and you will get a top.
One the ground you see a circle with 5 diagrams: a left hand, a head, a right
hand, a foot turned towards the right, and a foot turne......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : atlantis_iii.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 8 688 octets

Téléchargé : 6916 fois
Mise à jour : 2002.08.22

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