BattleForge v10.06.2009 v1.0 Build 262180 Trainer +2

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BattleForge v10.06.2009 v1.0 Build 262180 Trainer +2

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Nom du fichier : BattleForge v10.06.2009 v1.0 Build 262180 Trainer +2 - Auteur : BAL - [PC]

BattleForge "GodMode" & "WinGame" Trainer by BaldDenimHero

IMPORTANT: Works only with the current version of BattleForge (Tested at 10.Jun 2009 Version 1.0 Build #262180) and language doesn't matter.
	   Tested on XP/2K/Vista/7

What exactly this trainer features:
- no cooldown on cards
- instant cast
- you have infinite amounts of every card (i.e. you can cast like 50 Dreadnoughts in short time)
- there is no unit limit
- you don't need any energy for casting or building or whatever
- you can play cards even in "fog of war"-areas which are you've not explored yet
- you can instant-win on any map (but you'll only get rewards if you finish at least one quest)
- and finally this trainer has such an easy interface (just 2 buttons) it's totally fool-proof

How to use:
- Log into the game FIRST then start the trainer (BattleForge-BDH.exe)
- Start a map in singleplayer (any map, even the 4-player maps are easy going with this)
- When the map has been loaded and you're ingame ALT+TAB out of the game and press the "GodMode"-Button
- By that time you should already recognise the power of this trainer... now go and play

- If you don't feel like playing the whole mission just finish the first quest and the press the "WinGame"-Button on the trainer
- If you've done correctly you will see the victory-screen and get full-rewarded


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : README.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 194 305 octets

Téléchargé : 3552 fois
Mise à jour : 2009.06.14

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