Monkey Island Walkthrough

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Monkey Island Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Monkey Island Walkthrough - Auteur : ECU - [PC]

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Escape from  Monkey Island *Walkthrough*

Act 1 : Melee Island 
On the ship
Use the brazier of hot coals to kick it down and then pick it up (with your feet, it's possible). Turn towards the loaded cannon and kick the coals at it. That's it. 

Stopping the boulder slinging
Go to the scumm bar on the far side of town. Talk to the dart players until you can challenge them to hit the drunk guy's balloon. Take his pretzels. Go to the harbor and pick up the popped innertube laying near the grog machine. Go back to the mansion and use the popped innertube on the cactus on the right side of mansion. Approach the boulder slinging pirate and offer him pretzels. When he walks off to eat, quickly turn towards the catapult and fiddle with the controls.

Getting a ship & crew
Head towards town and talk to Otis & Carla until you find out that they want a cushy government job. Go to the scumm bar and talk to I Cheeze (the non-drunk pirate). In order to get him as your navigator, you must beat him at insult arm-wrestling. Just pick the most appropriate come-back, fairly easy. Once that's done, head to the harbor and talk to the harbor mistress. She will tell you that you need proof of authority to get a ship. Go back to the mansion and go inside. Inside, you will find a desk with a contract. First, read it to be sure that it is a 'cushy government......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Walkthrough.txt,

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Taille du fichier : 7 038 octets

Téléchargé : 5116 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.06.20

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