Emperor - Battle for Dune - Rule.Ini & Unlock Units

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Emperor - Battle for Dune - Rule.Ini & Unlock Units

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Nom du fichier : Emperor - Battle for Dune - Rule.Ini & Unlock Units - Auteur : CYB - [PC]

//	Copyright (c) 1999 Intelligent Games Limited.  All Rights Reserved.
//  Created on 01/06/99 by CameronR.
//	Description:
//	Associates Graphics to game objects

// Data

//	Side Panel (UI)
	SideBarTypes ("Buildings", "Units", "Infantry");

// Side Recolors
	Side (0);
	Recolor (0,133, 226);	   
	Side (1);
	Recolor (175,36,22);

	Side (2);
	Recolor (146,253,202); 
	Side (3);
	Recolor (255,121,25);

	Side (4);
	Recolor (64,255,0);	  
	Side (5);
	Recolor (127,72,189);

	Side (6);
	Recolor (255,240,106);	 
	Side (7);
	Recolor (255,163,224);

	Side (8);					// Next three are alternate colours for Extra campaign player.
	Recolor (0,0,255);	   
	Side (9);
	Recolor (255,0,0);

	Side (10);
	Recolor (0,255,0); 

//	Infantry


	Icon		= "icons\\HK_LightInf.tga"	
	IconGrey	= "icons\\grey_HK_LightInf.tga"	
	Xaf			= "HK_ltinf"
	SideBarType = "Infantry"
	CrapShadowSize = -1.0

	Icon		= "icons\......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ArtIni.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : emperorhuen.zip
Trainers City

Unzip these files into the data\model directory to use them. Example :

Brought To You By CyberKewl A.k.a Malcolm Lim

Revised by Manic Charlemagne Devlin

and posted by PsYgNeT on www.empcnc.itgo.com

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : readme.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : emperorhuen.zip
Trainers City

//This example is to demonstrate the building and unit hierarchies, and how
//the Group type stops icon duplication.


Version = 1.23
SpiceValue = 200
FogRegrowRate = 10
RepairRate = 12				//health increase every 10 ticks buildings
RearmRate = 50				//rearmrate for the orni's	
StarportCostUpdateDelay = 1500	//only update every n ticks
StarportCostVariationPercent = 40	//percentage cost variation +-
StarportStockIncreaseProb = 90	//percent chance of stock increase
StarportStockIncreaseDelay = 1000	//only update every n ticks
StarportMaxDeliverySingle = 6
FrigateCountdown = 2500			//time for frigate to arrive

HarvReplacementDelay = 1000	// ticks before harvester gets replaced

HawkStrikeDuration = 500      //How long does AT hawkstrike affect a unit?
LightningDuration = 300		//How long does OR lightning affect a unit?
DeviateDuration = 400			// How long does the deviator effect last?

SoundStealthOn = StealthOn		// Sfx hooks used for special fx.
SoundStealthOff = StealthOff
SoundShieldOn = ShieldOn
SoundShieldOff = ShieldOff
SoundRadarOn = RadarOn
SoundRadarOff = RadarOff......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Rules.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : emperorhuen.zip
Trainers City

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███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

File download at Trainers City
Retreive others trainers, Cheats, editors and much more
at http://www.trainerscity.com/

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : emperorhuen.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: emperorhuen.zip

Taille du fichier : 34 223 octets

Téléchargé : 9977 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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